@Eddie619: Even though I'm not a big fan of "grrl power" games, I'll go with Tomb Raider. Although I wish the game was more challenging. It was just way too easy, even on the hardest difficulty. I can't recall ever playing a game that was so easy on the hardest difficulty.
Anyone else feel this way about the last Tomb Raider game?
@BuyaPC: Oh yeah, Bulletstorm was also a good one. As was Vanquished. Although Vanquished "God Hard mode" that gets unlocked once you finish the game was just too brutal. It made me hate the game. I never could finish God hard mode. But I sure tried.
@xdude85: While far from great, it was underrated. It also looked fantastic on the consoles. Solid 60FPS throughout the game. I was blown away by the performance the first time I played it on my XBOX360. It felt so next gen.
@Deckard2323: Personally, I preferred Rage to Borderlands. I'm not a big fan of RPG shooters. If I line up a perfect headshot, I expect the enemy to go down. In an RPG shooter like Borderlands, If I'm not leveled up, it can take over a dozen perfect headshots to take down an enemy. How is that supposed to be fun? Also, Borderlands drags out way too long. Especially if you play one of the game of the year editions.
@ExoticCharm: Gotta agree with you on that. Saints Row blows away GTA. Although Gat out Hell was garbage. Agents of Mayhem was also "somewhat" disappointing.
@crashchaos: I agree. Would be nice to get a 60FPS remastered version on the consoles and PC. I think it's also time to get the first Red Dead Redemption on the PC.
@naughtydog94: Way more action in Uncharted 3 than in Uncharted 4. Uncharted 3 was also more challenging on crushing. The only thing better about Uncharted 4, were the graphics.
And no, I'm not taking the story into consideration. I didn't find any of the Uncharted games had good stories. Not that I care. I never play videogames for the story. I'm all about the gameplay.
@ProjektInsanity: If a game doesn't challenge me, I get bored. I love a good challenge, but what I don't love is a lack of checkpoints. Which is why I've never even attempted to play a Dark Souls game.
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