@Keaze_: Yeah, I remember all those orange quests, they littered the entire map. Ubisoft always goes overboard with their stupid tedious side quests and collectibles. Collectibles I can ignore, but I always feel obligated to do all the side quests.
I will give Ubisoft some credit with their collectibles; at least they make them totally meaningless, so you can just ignore them without any worries. The worst is when you have to search for collectibles in order to get certain upgrades. God I hate that.
@translucent17:Primal was surprisingly good. But I went in with really low expectations. So that definitely played a part in my enjoyment. The reason I avoided the game for so long is because I prefer games with advanced weaponry. Like sci-fi shooters. Yet, I actually enjoyed using a bow and spearing my enemies. Especially the spear. The spear just never got old. And just so you know, because I didn't figure it out till the end of the game(yes I'm a dumbass) but you can actually charge your spear by holding down on the right trigger.
My only real gripe with Primal is there were just too many wild animals when you leave camp. They attack you every minute of the game. Really annoying, but thankfully, you can eventually recruit saber tooth tigers and bears to protect you, and they will keep the wild animals at bay. So don't get too frustrated at first.
The scenery in Primal is also very beautiful. I can only imagine how nice it must look on a PC running at 60+ FPS.
Oh, and play Primal on the hardest difficulty setting(survivor mode); even on that mode, the game is really easy. Especially by the end once you're leveled up.
I would like to see both Mario Galaxy games come to the Switch. And I wont be buying a Switch until they do. I also would like to see all previous Zelda games that were on the Wii & Wii U.
@Gamerno6666: Given a choice, I'd rather have a Portal 3, than a Half-Life 3. At least Portal is a unique experience. But what is Half-Life? Half-Life is just another first-person shooter. And there's no shortage of first-person shooters.
@JustPlainLucas: Good stuff with boycotting games that only let you play online. More gamers in our community need to take that stand. We also need to start boycotting console games that only run at 30FPS. Give players an option of playing at 30FPS with extra textures and higher resolution, and 60 FPS with lower resolution and lower textures. If you can do it on PC, there's no reason why we shouldn't be able to do it on a console.
At least with Kojima and many other Japanese games, they always run at 60FPS. You gotta give Japanese developers credit for that.
ronaldmcreagan's comments