There are some similarities between Far Cry 3 and Red Dead Redemption. Both are open world. Both have hunting/skinning. Both have flowers/herbs to collect. Both have bad guys to shoot.
I've played some really crappy games that got an extremely high rating on IGN. I never purchase a game based on IGN's rating. Gamespot reviews I can always rely on. Anthing lower than a gamespot 7.5, I will not purchase.
Story wise, of course you can, there's not much of a story to begin with. The only reason you should play all Halo games is because they are all awesome. Halo 1 and Halo 2 are both backwards compatible with the XBOX360. You can buy them both on eBay for real cheap. Halo 2 is one of the best Halo games in the series.
I really wish they would say the exact date of the release. I just finished the Ratchet and Clank 1-3 HD collection, and now want to play Deadlocked. I have to play games in proper order. So I can't play Tools of Destruction until I finish Deadlocked. I'm getting really impatient here!
i am playing normal and stuck on the hotel roof, loosing to the heavy gunner all the time. I am doing this day after day and going nowhere. I am stuck. This happened in Witcher2; fighting the kadweni (don't feel that great to check spellings) general, since i couldn't beat him i stopped playing that game. Hope that doesn't happen here.
Use dual wielding pistols. Or you can also use the sniper rifle. The sniper rifle will kill him in one shot, no matter where you hit him. You can get the sniper rifle earlier on in the level.
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