It is never too late. Actually you have a great advantage at this point. There are alot of games you can get for dirt cheap. (ie. No More Heroes, RES 4, Zack and Wiki) I did the same thing with my xbo 360 (had a wii first) I got all the great xbox games and payed dirt cheap for the games. So getting a wii at this point is great. Lower price, lower game prices for the ones that were released in the past few years. You are at a good point my friend.
ronisize15's forum posts
So I picked up both the Max Payne's and I had trouble playing the first one. I just sucked at the first one and had to use the cheat in order to beat the game. So should I even bother trying the second one?
Ok I'm new to the whole expansion thing. My friend let me borrow Fallout 3 and I played it until I decided to return it to buy my own copy. So I picked up the GOTY edition with all the expansions. Problem is I don't know what I should I do. Do I beat the original then add the expansions. Or should I just add the expansions in now. Does it effect the games original story? Advice would be appreciated.
Me too, with Fallout 3. I was really enjoying it but for some reason got off of playing it. I will get back to playing that one since I just picked up the GOTY version.Me
Assassin's Creed
Fall Out 3(Im going to get bk to work on it after Im done with GTA IV and I beat MW2 again on harden)
Ok I don't watch wrestling WWE etc. If you do great but it's just not my thing. However I love playing the games. Since Ive had a nes I've been playing wrestling games all the way up to the N64 and those sweet Wcw Games that me and my friends spent hours playing. I haven't played a wrestling game in years so I spent 8 bucks and got WWW Smackdown vs Raw 2007. It's fun by all mean not a AAA game or anything. But it's fun to turn it on play a couple of matches then go back and play something else. Do any of you play wrestling games but don't watch it on TV.
Isn't a forum for the purpose of discussion? Why would he blog it, who reads those? Anyway, I enjoyed the demo, I thought it was interesting and the story seemed pretty sweet. I enjoyed it more than the Bayonetta demoblog it , thanks
With the PSP go it brings up the topic of are gaming companies trying to get rid of physical games in packaging and go to direct download. This would stop people from buying used games and force the consumer to purchase at full retail. I find it hard to believe, especially if the price of a digital download is the price of a hard copy of game (which doesn't make that much sense to me, since your saving the company from packaging and shipping out a hard copy) For example Bioshock is 19.99 soft or hard copy. How would you react to this. I mean if you would ask me if people would stop buying cds and go to pay to download I would of said your nuts. To me I like the physcial disc and packaging. I also am a person who saves some cash and buys used games, because well if I can get Darkness for 5-10 bucks or pay new game price that is a no brainer to me. How will you react if this happens? Some of you just might say when it happens as well!
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