ronisize15's forum posts
Just a in general question. I don't like the game that much... it's ok. I'm thinking of selling it to help lower the cost of the CONDUIT :D. Anyway I'm through day 1 and was wondering how long does it take to beat Day 2 and the Day 3 chapters? Any help would be great. I'm trying to decide if its worth to get up early and try to beat the game to watch the ending or just say f it and go sell the thing. Not my type of game that's all. How long does it take to actually beat the game. 2-3 hours?
Ok before you flip out we know the PS3 graphics are HD and great blah blah. But let's face it is not selling well. While the quality of games are there lets face how many exclusive games are just for PS3? I know Infamous is one and hey that's great. But is the Ps3 the loser of this console war?
Well let's see WII=MILLIONS OF CONSOLES AND GAMES SOLD, lets look at Ps3 who is face it folks is the Gamecube of this generation console wars.The amount of confidence in this thread is staggering
Well don't you think Conduit has the chance of being the first one?2 and a half years into the gen with not one big third party game on the wii yet? :lol: Not happening my friend.
I guess the conduit is going to be the big test, which off of buzz seems likes its going to do ok.The shovelware and watered down ports will continue. Publishers can't really do much besides that because games that are directed at the "core" audience just don't sell as well on the Wii as they do on the other platforms.Mostly 1st Party Nintendo and 3rd Party casual/rhythm games sell well. There are some exceptions to the rule like Lego Series,Star Wars, Sonic, Rayman, Resident Evil, Call Of Duty andSome EA Sports titles. From there sales take a very sharp dip into the abyss.
I was just thinking but if you are going to buy a game on the PS3 or the 360 you are going to expect the HD glitz and visual glamour. Well they said it cost around 60 Million to make a game. Do you think basing off the improvement of the Wii graphics over time as people are getting used to the console, they might choose to save some bucks and choose the Wi to cut the cost of making a game HD etc.
[QUOTE="AppleBlade"]Get The Conduit and join in the fun with everyone else. The other games will still be available at the same price (or less) later. I was going to jump on the 3 for 1 but this make sense. Their not going to get any higher in price so why not just live in the present. Enjoy the experience like we all are on Wednesday! (Shipping date is Tuesday, you will be able to buy it on Wednesday) If you choose the Conduit watch yourself I'm coming after ya!8)I have about $60 dollars I plan on spending this week to feed my Wii Gaming habit. On one hand I am totally hyped for the Conduit which comes out wednesday. It would be great to jump in on the multiplayer while everyone is still new to it.
On the other hand 3 of the games I haven't played that I really want to are all on sale on Amazon. No More Heroes, Okami, and Bully are all selling for $20 dollars or less. I can get all 3 for about 57 dollars.
What do you guys reccomend?
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