@stan_boyd @Kickable The PS3's backward comaptability got nixed for two reasons. First, the backward compatable units had a notoriously high failure rate. Units continuously overheated. it was nothing like the original 360, but high enough for Sony not to want to keep manufacturing them. Second, SOny wanted to focus on selling more PS2 classics from PSN. Backward compatability would seriously put a damper on that. I understand the first reason for getting rid of it, but it's pretty greedy to get rid of it so you can sell more downloads. That's business though.
@weapon_x57 I guess there are trolls that live under bridges and drunk trolls that drive Ferarris. It takes all kinds. Oh, those 98% fanboys you're talking about...they're called the middle class. A.K.A. "the other 98%"
I don't think he, or Microsoft for that matter, realise that FORCING a system to always be online is the problem. Making it essentially useless without an internet connection was a very bad move. Relying more on an internet connection is certainly inevitable, but purposefully rendering your console useless without one is just plain stupid. Even my phone has some offline functionality. I can still use the majority of my apps with no signal. Meaning I can play games, read books, watch videos I have saved and use most of the other random apps available. If my phone doesn't brick without an internet connection and my pc doesn't brick without an internet connection, then why in the world should my console brick without an internet connection? There's no good reason for it. That's why MS received the negative backlash and it was completely justified. Artificially limiting your console to suit your wants is beyond counter-productive. They're still doing it too! You have to pay them to unlock features built into the firmware of the XBOne! The DVR features are going to be useless unless you're a Gold member. All of the "entertainment" features will be locked out as well (just as they are now). This means you have to pay Microsoft to allow you to use services you already pay for. on top of paying them to unlock the ability to use the internet service you already pay for. Oh, but it's so unfair of people not to be happy with Microsoft right now What a tool.
While it's true most people who buy a XBOne are going to have Gold Memberships, it's still pretty screwed up of Microsoft to lock out so many features of their console without one. Actually they've pretty much locked out all the features besides playing single player games. I really wouldn't be surprised to find out that you can't even watch bluray movies without a subscription to Gold. $500 for the console and you aren't allowed to use any of the BUILT IN features without paying M$ more money. That pretty much sums up what they think of their fans. On that note, it sounds like Sony is leaving nearly all other features open for use without their premium service. Just online gaming and PS+ games will require a subscription. Showing yet again, that Sony has some understanding of what their players want. And no I don't think Sony thinks of us as anything more than dollar signs, just like Microsoft, but they at least are smart enough to understand that keeping us happy keeps us throwing those dollars back their way. Microsoft seems to think we're all complete idiots who will keep blindly throwing money at them no matter how horribly they treat us. Bundling the Vita with the PS4 for $500 would be a pretty sweet deal. I've been unsold on the Vita up to now. The ability to stream games to it from the PS4 and offering it for $100 extra in the bundle might be my deciding factor. Let's see, buy a console that blocks out all features and forces the Kinect gimmick for $500, or buy a console that comes with a sweet second console that allows you to utilize the first one anywhere in the house for the same price while offering quality games on the go? Hmmm...wave my arms around and talk to my tv while M$ spies on me and pay them monthly for the privelage, or play my favorite games on a handheld while my girlfriend watches crappy doctor soap operas and True Blood for the same price? It's a tough choice, but I think I know whose getting me money this time around. The company that actually does product testing and reasearches what their customers want.
@Sporks_Calamity @roosteraxe1 Score one for Microsoft. Their processor is indeed slightly better and Sony has clarified that their OS will use 2-3.5GB of RAM. So they're potentially even with XB there, but...MS has already stated that they are dedicating 3GB of RAM for operating all non-gaming features, this does not necessarily include RAM needed to run the OS. Add to that the fact that they're using DDR3 RAM while Sony's using GDDR5 and you've now changed the playing field again. Honestly, it's sounding like both systems are going to be pretty even in the end. With strengths and weaknesses in different areas. I'm still sticking with Sony. I've only had to replace one PS2 from them and that was due to humidity from being in a basement. I've had to replace one Xbox because the drive stopped working and 4 360s due to RROD. I just don't trust MS to know how to make a reliable console. Add to that the fact that nearly every feature of the XBOne is only accessable with a Gold membership and I'm out of their court. I supported Xbox. I loved that they took risks on interesting games that nobody else would touch. Now they're married to a handful of titles. The only thing you need a PS+ membership for is online gaming. Nothing else is blocked. You won't even be able to use the Bone's DVR without a Gold membership. That's shady business. Imagine having to pay a monthly fee to use the four wheel drive, radio, a/c and heater on a SUV. That's Microsoft's business model. Sorry for the rant. Microsoft pisses me off.
So..."some polls" showed 80% of people prefer PS4? What polls? What did the other polls show? This is pretty frickin vague. I'm personally going with Sony this time around, but I'm not sure how vague stats from a section of polls qualifies as a news story. This seems like little more than a seed for the trolls to come-a typin'.
@proceeder Fable is owned by Microsoft as is Lionhead and although Epic isn't owned by MS, I think Gears is. The fact is that Sony and Microsoft have to make it worth the dev's while for third party devs to go exclusive. When you spend dozens of millions of dollars creating a game, it's generally worth spending a little more to make it multi-platform, effectively doubling your profit potential. It's not so much a matter of bragging rights for any system anymore, it's a matter of installed fanbase. Cutting your profits out of some misguided loyalty to one brand just makes no sense from a business standpoint.
@highlanderjimd PS4 outshines XBOne in nearly every aspect. It has comparable core processors, but it's renderers are better, it's RAM is way faster (not to mention all 8GB are usable compared to the Bone's 5GB usable for games). Everything about PS4 is either on par with XBOne, or superior. It's lacking the mandatory Kinect gimmick, but otherwise it's more powerful console. Trolling that people are retarded for choosing the more powerful system is just plain foolish. The fact is, the XBOne is hurting all multi-platform games by setting the lowest standard. In order to devlope on both systems, devs have to scale games down to play on the Xbox. Of course it still blows the WiiU outta the water, so you Bone fans have one bragging point.
I'm waiting for the announcement that only Gold members can play XBOne games period. Every time news of XBOne comes out, it seems like it's news of them locking out features from XBL Silver members. WHy don't they just get rid of Silver altogether? Make Gold mandatory to even play the system? That's the direction they're heading in anyway. Just make it official. The only thing Silver let's you do is buy games from them. It's clear the XBOne is going to be even more useless than the 360 without a Gold membership. PS4 may be going in a similar direction, but so far they're just blocking online gameplay. From my understanding all other features will still be available without a PS+ membership. I'd say "way to drop the ball Microsoft", but at this point it would be more impressive if they actually caught a ball.
I can't help but think the overly huge proportions on characters of both sexes is intentional. As in it's a joke. The pulp fantasy comics from back in the day, along with a lot of the old-school fantasy artwork and movies featured scantily clad women and men with proprtions barely within the bounds of reality. This game, a fantasy game that pays clear homage to Golden Axe and similar fantasy beat 'em ups from that era, along with pulp fantasy, is taking that art style and exaggerating it to such a ridiculous level that you can't possibly take it seriously. Of course, some people still do and will only focus on the negative "sexism" of this and completely miss the satire at play here. Such is often the case with sarcasm. It just goes right over some people's heads. Especially the easily offended. If you don't like it, don't buy it. For the people saying things like "would you let your family watch you play this?" this is clearly not a family game. I wouldn't want my kid playing this, but I wouldn't want him playing GTA, Saint's Row or COD either. I still play and enjoy those games and I imagine I will with this one too.
roosteraxe1's comments