I recommend the HD5850.It is on your budget, only 300usd, it is the best budget/performace ratio out there.
If you have the cash the hd5870 is 400USD and amazing, Too expensive tho, since is the single chio KING atm.
I wouldn't buy a 5700 series, because will become dated very quickly when real dx11 games starts coming, if you are going for dx11 go all for it, CROSSFIRE should only be used when you want to upgrade, you never should buy 2 cards together to crossfire at the start. Doesn't make sense specially when there is a higher end single chip avaible for the same price.
I don't think is worth waiting for nvidia. I miself think nvidia won't be worth until their second generation dx11 cards and devs start using CUDA C++.
I see their flagship dx11(470gtx/480gtx) as too experimental for my taste. I will let the enthusiasts pay the price for the technology advancement... will buy the simpler and cheaper version the comes later. Just like the G80 users payed the price for us to have the 8800gt G92 few years ago.
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