Since it was released, given that it sucked a fat one.
For starters, the core game content is lame, with a short, poorly designed main quest, augmented by a handful of short, poorly designed sidequests that don't even try to make up in quantity what they lacked in quality; there aren't that many, and the few that are there are as sucky as the rest of the game, with perhaps one or two exceptions.
Then you have the incredibly bad story, a poorly implemented morality system, weak core mechanics, laughable character building, and a tiny, maddeningly restrictive gameworld that struggles pathetically to convince you that it is "open"and "free" whilst simultaneously restricting you to tiny paths and refusing you access to even blatantly visible landmarks.
Thrown in the numerous technical problems, the burdensome menus, and the jaw droppingly stupid level design and you've got a recipe for another massive hit from Sir Peter Molyneux, master bull **** artist and part-time game designer.
Also, for the record, I think the first Fable was much better. It wasn't a masterpiece, but it was fun, and it managed to be pretty good in a few areas, something Fable 2 wasn't nearly capable of doing.
Don't forget the idiotic DLC mini-game design, which was launched before the game, people found out how to cheat and completly ruined any sense of pourpose the money had for the game.
And don't forget the boring co-op multiplayer design it had, that was pure nonsense.
Also molyneux was a completly clown with the hype, overstating every mediocre feature the game had like was something GENIUS.
DOG for example.
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