Looking at both the above demonstrations of each motion control technology I personally think it's pretty obvious Arc is overall a little bit more responsive and accurate for motion control than the Wiimote with M+ and I think it's ultimately going to offer the better motion controls.
It is obvious that ARC is way better than wiimote plus.
There is nothing to discuss... the ARC technology is BETTTER in every single way (technically speaking), not only that but both technology consume CPU to be used, and the fact the ps3 has more CPU will mean that it will also use the more advanced technology better that the wii ever could even if had the same camera tracking technology.
And too top it of the Ps3 ARC will most likely be more supported than wiimote plus, since after 1 year of PLUS launch, less than 10 game actually use it.
Ps3 ARC will have more than 10 games at launch for sure.
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