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roxy_rocks Blog


Things I know you've always (never) wanted to know about me :D

Or maybe i'm just bored O:

I have insomnia and can't go to sleep until usually 4 A.M, therefor I get up around 12 :] I'm stuck in a pattern of getting up, doing school, and playing solitair/mahjong for the rest of the day. Everyday. All week. Yeah. Tuesdays I go bowling which is pretty much the only time of the week I leave my house. I don't like bowling, but I have nothing better to do. I was born in a hospital. I was born with two arms and two legs, which I still have today. I also have feet and hands. I dye my hair at least once every two months, and it's usually something weird like purple or blue. I have two Myspaces. I got a Facebook then abonded it after two days because it sucked. I haven't cried in over a year. I'm hungry. I steal my dad's shirts and wear them. Because they're big and cozy :]. My socks rarely match. Aside from all my online loves, I seriously only have 2 or 3 friends. Thus bringing us back to the 'I never leave my house thing' :]. I like to walk outside for hours with random music blaring while thinking about absolutely nothing(while doing this, I am usually attacked by midget dogs who think they're badass.). I have songs from Lazy Town on my MP3 player. AND I'M PROUD. My organs are inside my body. I hate Disney Channel. I have no clue why I'm posting this :]. I can't stand wearing skirts/dresses cause my legs touch eachother D:. I love you :]

There chu have it, things about me chu (never) wanted to know!

But enough about meh, tell me about you :3

Teh mods have gone insane!!

xD I maked a new account teh other day, just for a spare, and teh very next day, it got banned o__o I dint even post anything! AND THEY BANNED KONNEH...AGAIN! WE'RE ALL GONNA GET BANNED!!! SAVE YOURSELVES!!!!!!!!!! *runs in triangles and takes shelter in anti-mod fort*


BWAH here are teh merges i promised chu :3

First up, teh babeh of Yamato Kira and Diva! I couldn't find any nice mergefulpics of her, sorry ._.

next ish Hey-Chan and Itachi's babeh, Frans of teh Muffin Village Well mebbe his name's not Frans ._. but Frans ish just a sezzi name 8)

now we have Light and L's babeh. he has his mother's eyes!

next, Oro's and Jiwaiya's wittle bundle of joy

and Gamabunta raped Jiwaiaya, so here ish their babeh

and finally we have Oromaru, teh love babeh of Oro and Akamaru

And those, meh lovelies, were teh babehs of February!

and i'm still new to teh merging thing, so next months babehs should be more beautiful ;3 BWAH

yeah so i'm bored :]

Give me any two people or anime characters or whatever. I'll merge their faces in photoshop to see what their child will look like! *has seen How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days too many times*


Tomorrow I'll post pics of all teh merges :D


teh stolen survey returns!!

i'm bored, so i'm gonna fill out this survey that lots of chu peoples are fillin out! I STOLE IT FROM KONNEH-CHAN!!!

1.) Name: Sparkeh!

2.) Country you were born in: this one!

3.) Birthday: July 1st

4.) Part of lyric that was last in your mind: I feeeeeeeeeel yooooooooou that song sucks!

5.) Where am I right now: my room!

6.) Highlight of this week: talking to Konneh and Endei over msn :D

7.) last person I went to eat with: my mom!

8.) what am I scared of: Sea Monkeys!! EW~!

9.) Last movie I watched: Balls of Fury :D

10.) last thing I downloaded in my computer: prolly music(COMPLETELY LEGALLY OF COURSE*COUGH COUGH*)

11.) How many houses I've lived in? 3 or 4

12.) last friend I talked to online: Cassieness :D

13.) Has anyone said you looked like a celebrity? once xD LIARS~!

14.) Do you speak any other language: nope!

15.) Job? not yet

16.) Plan to go to college: hellz yeah!

17.) for or against same sex marriage: forrrrr~!

18.) Should gays be allowed to adopt? they're not allowed to adopt?! what kind of sick country is this?!?!?!?

19.) What's your view on the war in Iraq? i could care less!! *shot*

20.) If I could live in another place, where would it be and why? KONOHA!!

21.) What animals best represents me? Donkey :D

22.) If I could meet anyone, who would it be? Misa Misa xD

23.) If I could go back in time, where would I go? no where :O

24.) One superpower I would have and why? the power to kick your ass!

25.) My life's theme song: Ding Dong Song by Gunther :D

26.) If I could be president for a day...I wouldn't~!

27.) My most heartbreaking memory...i really for srs don't have one o.O i'm too boring!! D:

28.) Greatest accomplishment: nothing!! :D

Are You...

29.) hugger or handshaker? Neither D:

30.) morning or nightime person: NIGHT :D

31.) perfectionist? Hell no!

32.) religious belief: Wiccannnnnn

33.) lefty or righty: rightness!

34.) Number: 69!!!!!!!!!

35.) Color: black and green :]

36.) Season: Winter :D

37.) Holiday: Halloweeny!

38.) TV Program: animeeeeeee

39.) Movie: lots!

40.) Band: TONS O___O


42.) Actor: Christopher Walken FTW

43.) Restaurants: any place with Mexican food!(Taco Bell doesn't count!)

44.) Food: Mexican food D:

45.) pizza topping: no pizza D:

46.) ice cream flavor: none D:

47.) Board games: I dun like em

48.) helped a stranger in need: not that I know of xD

49.) lied to your dearest friend? Nope! I dun have anything to lie about!(see how boring I am :D?)

50.) cheated on a test? sorta xD

51.) Turned to someone when they did something wrong? o.O turned to them or on them?

52.) Stolen something before? nope

53.) drank alcohol: no...but maybe I want toooooo :D xD

54.) smoke? Nope!

55.) ran away from home? Nope!

56.) been picked up by the police? Nope!

57.) what annoys you most in a person? when they touch you too much >__>

58.) bedtime? Whenever I fall asleep! (2 or 3 A.M :D)

59.) three things I can't live without: anime, music, Roxy :]

60.) would you take a bullet for someone you love? yup

61.) how do I want to die? A really cool way! Like a freak accident maybe

62.) God? nope

63.) Miracles: nope!

64.) love at first sight? Nope!!

65.) Ghosts? Sorta :]

66.) Aliens: nope!

67.) Heaven? Nope!

68.) Hell? Nope!

69.) Angels? Not really!

70.) kissing on the first date: whatever xD

71.) Horoscope? Nooooooope!

72.) Fate: nope!