i'm bored, so i'm gonna fill out this survey that lots of chu peoples are fillin out! I STOLE IT FROM KONNEH-CHAN!!!
1.) Name: Sparkeh!
2.) Country you were born in: this one!
3.) Birthday: July 1st
4.) Part of lyric that was last in your mind: I feeeeeeeeeel yooooooooou Johannaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...man that song sucks!
5.) Where am I right now: my room!
6.) Highlight of this week: talking to Konneh and Endei over msn :D
7.) last person I went to eat with: my mom!
8.) what am I scared of: Sea Monkeys!! EW~!
9.) Last movie I watched: Balls of Fury :D
10.) last thing I downloaded in my computer: prolly music(COMPLETELY LEGALLY OF COURSE*COUGH COUGH*)
11.) How many houses I've lived in? 3 or 4
12.) last friend I talked to online: Cassieness :D
13.) Has anyone said you looked like a celebrity? once xD LIARS~!
14.) Do you speak any other language: nope!
15.) Job? not yet
16.) Plan to go to college: hellz yeah!
17.) for or against same sex marriage: forrrrr~!
18.) Should gays be allowed to adopt? they're not allowed to adopt?! what kind of sick country is this?!?!?!?
19.) What's your view on the war in Iraq? i could care less!! *shot*
20.) If I could live in another place, where would it be and why? KONOHA!!
21.) What animals best represents me? Donkey :D
22.) If I could meet anyone, who would it be? Misa Misa xD
23.) If I could go back in time, where would I go? no where :O
24.) One superpower I would have and why? the power to kick your ass!
25.) My life's theme song: Ding Dong Song by Gunther :D
26.) If I could be president for a day...I wouldn't~!
27.) My most heartbreaking memory...i really for srs don't have one o.O i'm too boring!! D:
28.) Greatest accomplishment: nothing!! :D
Are You...
29.) hugger or handshaker? Neither D:
30.) morning or nightime person: NIGHT :D
31.) perfectionist? Hell no!
32.) religious belief: Wiccannnnnn
33.) lefty or righty: rightness!
34.) Number: 69!!!!!!!!!
35.) Color: black and green :]
36.) Season: Winter :D
37.) Holiday: Halloweeny!
38.) TV Program: animeeeeeee
39.) Movie: lots!
40.) Band: TONS O___O
42.) Actor: Christopher Walken FTW
43.) Restaurants: any place with Mexican food!(Taco Bell doesn't count!)
44.) Food: Mexican food D:
45.) pizza topping: no pizza D:
46.) ice cream flavor: none D:
47.) Board games: I dun like em
48.) helped a stranger in need: not that I know of xD
49.) lied to your dearest friend? Nope! I dun have anything to lie about!(see how boring I am :D?)
50.) cheated on a test? sorta xD
51.) Turned to someone when they did something wrong? o.O turned to them or on them?
52.) Stolen something before? nope
53.) drank alcohol: no...but maybe I want toooooo :D xD
54.) smoke? Nope!
55.) ran away from home? Nope!
56.) been picked up by the police? Nope!
57.) what annoys you most in a person? when they touch you too much >__>
58.) bedtime? Whenever I fall asleep! (2 or 3 A.M :D)
59.) three things I can't live without: anime, music, Roxy :]
60.) would you take a bullet for someone you love? yup
61.) how do I want to die? A really cool way! Like a freak accident maybe
62.) God? nope
63.) Miracles: nope!
64.) love at first sight? Nope!!
65.) Ghosts? Sorta :]
66.) Aliens: nope!
67.) Heaven? Nope!
68.) Hell? Nope!
69.) Angels? Not really!
70.) kissing on the first date: whatever xD
71.) Horoscope? Nooooooope!
72.) Fate: nope!
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