It was hard for me too. You don't have potions or healer. Just make as much damage as you can and try not to let any character die. I had big luck on this. The high dragon was a piece of cake compared to this :P
Get Rise of Nations. I has outdated graphics, but outstanding gameplay. And it like Age of Empires, you have to collect resources, make buildings, build an army... expect that it has all ages, from ancient to modern. Rise of Legends is not a good game, I wouldn't recommend it. If you liked Medieval Total War, then you can get either Rome Total War, or newer one Empire Total War. If you like battles in Roman times, then RTW is a must-buy game. If you want multiplayer, you can get Company of Heroes, or Men of War if you are more into tactics. Hope it helps!
The GPU fan will spin for 2 secs in startup and then stop. When you start Windows or games it will start spinning because it's getting more heat. Try another monitor, or test the gpu in another pc. Make sure u placed it well on the slot. What power supply do you have?
4870 is still better than gtx260, expects on some games which are only optimized for Nvidia. And Sligo, I suggest removing your last words on you sig, this is not a political forum, or I'll report it!
4890 destroys gts 250. But enough of this. MW2 doesn't require the best graphic cards out there. The hd4850 will run it without any problem. Btw, what's your display size? If it's bigger then you need better GPU
I've had this problem before. It seems your TV only supports PAL or NTSC (one of them). When you try to play a ps2 game which is for a different region (for ex, you have a PAL TV, trying to play a NTSC game) it will show black and white. When I had this problem, I bought a modified SCART connector, which could show all colors, but at low quality. I suggest you buy a new TV, since all newer models support all formats.
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