so maybe ur thinking about buying vanguard??
just saw this on a forum board, thought it summed the game up pretty well:
I agree, and so I am going on a leave for now - and im not bashing anything, but I am a very frustrated customer who has a lot of hopes for the future of Vanguard - in a year or so.
Let me say first that with the friends who play this game I have had a blast, but its a game that is broke. The fixes arent where they should be as if anything should be in place it should be the performance issues.
Everyone can give credit to the devs for being open and Honest, but the choices you make affect you.
So lets take a look at the events:
- During the developement stage announce that your partnership with MS or SOE is only for publishing/billing purposes, and that Sigil will maintain the control of the game. Knowing SOE's track record (NGE - has personally killed myself and the server I was on - if not the whole game).
- Announce that you are releasing the game 3 or 4 months early because you dont have enough money to finish it.
- Charge people the monthly fee because they are playing the game, yet have unreasonable performance issues and quest that are "Coming Soon". When would you like me to do this level 22 quest? When I am level 50?
- Encourage players to constantly report bugs and flaws with the game, after all this game was released early so you could pay to test it and report your findings, so we wouldnt have to hire testers.
- Only have an official forums for 'bugs and issues' because guilds and community are obviously not the priority. "Please do not post this information on these forums, this is for technical use only"
- Announce that SOE will be getting more involved, going back on a promise that was made long ago.
- Announce in the same statement that really, our systems are using "tomorrow's" technology. This game is really designed for the end of 2007 or early 2008. The performance issues are on the side of the End-User, not the developer. The fact that your system can run Doom 3 or Oblivion at 80 FPS is not the concern even when you set Vanguard to Highest Performance making it look like EQ1 and still only pull 20 FPS.
- Also announce in the same statement that Boat Battles and Pirates are looking to be in a 2008 expansion. If you would have seen the dev's video - they announced that would be in the game.
It is comforting to know the game is already looking to pull money out of your pocket on features that were announced to be included in the game. Expansion??? Lets fix what we have first!
- Note that the game was released January 30th, and it is now May, is this where we would have been had the game not been released and there was the extra "three to four months" to work out the bugs?
What we have here is plain and simple a mess. Vanguard has a lot of promise! I love the game so far, but the game is far from finished, and the consumer that is reading the forums is paying for it because they are taking a chance on the game at such an early stage.
It is very frustrating to CTD 4+ times each time you sit down to play. Having tweaked performance, drivers, and everything imaginable - this is unacceptable.
I work for a major computer company. I have current subscriptions on many mmo's that are active including: ffxi, wow, coh/cov, and station access which includes, swg, vg soh, eq1, eq2, planetside, mxo.
When you purchase a game, you should be able to install, and play it. Tweak it a little bit and just enjoy it. I understand that Vanguard is unique in the situation, but consider the timeline that the eager subscriber had to go through.
As I mentioned before... Performance Issues! We can deal with incomplete quest, and missing helms or graphics. We can deal with the abilities of each class not being totally tweaked and tested. What is difficult for us to deal with is performance issues. "Load Lag" when a lightpost or fence shows up on the screen. Falling through the world. These occurances can and will happen. They shouldnt be the norm.
Fix the performance then give me my helms.
Releasing a game in this state gives the average consumer the impression that this is how the game is going to play, reguardless of tweaks. The Unreal engine is a beautiful thing - but come on, this is too broke.
Please pelase understand in no way am I looking for any feed back of "oh so why dont you go play that mmo" or anything like that. I am simply posting my situation, and asking that the developers consider what they are doing and how they are impacting the community before their next move.
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