seriously. we're making pots. :? I am so not gonna finish anything I start, and if I do finish, everything is gonna be on sell HERE for $1 each.
and we have assigned seats. what gives?! I was a good kid. :cry:
I have to take chalky pills 2x a day cuz of a sinus infection. Everything's gone except the cough and runny nose- I HATE THE NOSE/COUGH!!!
my schedule for this week (you'll lol when you read):
Tues.- tornado drill in 4th
Wed.- fire drill in 2nd
Thurs.- intruder drill & communication drill at anytime during the day (the plan of the communication drill is we the students (those of us with cell phones, that is) are going to be given a message that we have to relay to our parents and then the teacher whose room we are in will talk to our parent when we are done. the actual object is that in case something happened at school they think that there would be no faster way to reach our parents than by us and our cell phones.)
Fri.- mock car crash at 9:00 a.m. (the object of this is responsibility. like not drinking and driving. they're bringing in a whole bunch of things for this; my city and county is participating in this simulation (I'm reading from my school's monthly newsletter...) by offering up God knows what. it's supposed to be held on the football field.)
I ain't going. I've been hauled off to the ER for seizures and they've taken me in ambulances and when I went out to it numerous times, the lights were flashing. and I know that during this thing, so many lights are going to be flashing and it's going to be bothering me like crazy.
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