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ruggedwonders Blog


I passed my Geometry EOC with a 94.

I also had the highest score in my second block class. wtf is up with that?! up until the EOC I was failing the class and then all of a sudden I go and get a 94 on the final I needed to pass?!

Oh, well, I'm still going to fail the class, so I'm just up a creek without a paddle. (And my teacher is happy for nothing.) I am going to end up with a 58-60 for a final grade.

I hate Geometry.

last full day of school!!


This friday is my last full day of school, and I sooo can't wait cuz I'm sick and tired of school. Here's why:

  • my art teacher's making us do chapters of bookwork and we can't talk while we do it.
  • my English teacher's making us read the play, "Twelve Angry Men."
  • my Geometry teacher's making us do Accelerated Math and cancelled both 1st and 2nd blocks' end-of-the-year parties because we ruined 2 desks with shaving cream & no one fessed up.
  • & my Spanish 2 teacher is making us do a study guide for our final exam next Tuesday, which will only take 2 hours to complete.

And I finally figured out what might be wrong with me; it's just a self-diagnosis, but I'm almost positive that it's what's wrong.

one week tomorrow!!

tomorrow it would be one week since I have gotten my tattoo!!

YAYY!! *confetti* 8)

sadly, I have no boyfriend to celebrate with me. but I am the envy of my friends, because they now want one. :P

I think I know someone who is eyeing me- I've known him since 8th grade and he was always looking at me on Monday when I was looking at him in the band room and when I looked away, he looked away. (I was in art and he was in band; we had to go to the band room because of sewage in the weight room.) I like him a bit and he's my really good friend, but when he eyeballs me like that it's just plan creepy. (I was hanging out with a loud croud.)

ok. I'm gonna be bored in Art for the last 8 weeks.

seriously. we're making pots. :? I am so not gonna finish anything I start, and if I do finish, everything is gonna be on sell HERE for $1 each.

and we have assigned seats. what gives?! I was a good kid. :cry:

I have to take chalky pills 2x a day cuz of a sinus infection. Everything's gone except the cough and runny nose- I HATE THE NOSE/COUGH!!!

my schedule for this week (you'll lol when you read):

Tues.- tornado drill in 4th

Wed.- fire drill in 2nd

Thurs.- intruder drill & communication drill at anytime during the day (the plan of the communication drill is we the students (those of us with cell phones, that is) are going to be given a message that we have to relay to our parents and then the teacher whose room we are in will talk to our parent when we are done. the actual object is that in case something happened at school they think that there would be no faster way to reach our parents than by us and our cell phones.)

Fri.- mock car crash at 9:00 a.m. (the object of this is responsibility. like not drinking and driving. they're bringing in a whole bunch of things for this; my city and county is participating in this simulation (I'm reading from my school's monthly newsletter...) by offering up God knows what. it's supposed to be held on the football field.)

I ain't going. I've been hauled off to the ER for seizures and they've taken me in ambulances and when I went out to it numerous times, the lights were flashing. and I know that during this thing, so many lights are going to be flashing and it's going to be bothering me like crazy.

nightmares and daydreams?!

like, for real?!

no, seriously. I woke up this morning at 3 and could've sworn I heard screaming. (not to mention I had tattoos on the inside of my forearms at the crook of my elbows. they kinda looked like snakes and other mean animals mixed into one...)

But keep in mind, I don't have any tattoos.

and in the past few days, I've been having really weird dreams involving a certain Bleach character...

I totally failed.

the title says it all.

well, not really. I passed some classes. Like English (I finally typed the "i") and Spanish, but I failed Geometry. (failed with a capital F.) I had a 45, I think. (In English and Spanish I had an 83 and a 100.) XP But I was out for some days and when I had asked the teacher for my work, he hadsaid, "Ask me later." Uber-dumb@$$!!!! I NEEDED IT THEN SO I COULD MAKE MY WORK UP!!!!

i hate teachers. period.

sob, sob... (read)

R.I.P. Heath Ledger. 1979-2008.

I didn't believe it at first, but now I have no choice.

I bet my entire school is going tobe talking about this tomorrow. (cuz I didn't go today)