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I've been invited to the geek-dance.

[color=#ff40ff]I got a letter in the mail today saying that, because I didn't get any detentions/suspensions/whatever, I'm being invited to the discipline-free dance the school is hosting. And my mom. Ooooh, my mom. According to my dad, she thinks that the reason why I'm being invited to this dance is because I don't socialize enough. :lol: He said she was saying things like "Well, how CAN she get in trouble if all she does is sit in her goddamn room all day?" XDD She was MAD because I never got in trouble. XDDD And my dad. He was kinda cool, joking around and saying how there's only gonna be three other people at that dance: two teachers, and a guy with thick, black glasses taped in the middle. He says that the raffle prize would probably be a pocket protector. Hahaha. When my mom picks me up for piano, I'm going to show the letter to her and act all proud just to see her reaction. XDD I wonder if she'll yell at me for being anti-social. More on that story later...[/color]


[color=#ff40ff]I'm tired. No, not tired. Dead. I feel like I'm dead. D: I got up about two hours earlier to talk with Kraz today... It was worth it. *snuggles teh Kraz* LOL I'm being intimate in my journal XDDDD wow. ok. back it up there. Today in drawing we're doing this REALLY ANNOYING project that involves a bunch of cutting and pasting. The reason I took that class instead of Art 1 was to get FAR, FAR away from those kinds of projects. DDD: FAIL. and then... cult. geography... we is roleplaying. I AM SILVAN SHALOM. He's COOL ok shut up. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I like cereal.[/color]

The official rukichu FAQ v.1

Q. ASL? [color=#ff40ff]A. Young enough to get you in some real trouble/ Only for Kraz/ That shouldn't be too hard to figure out.[/color] Q. What's up? [color=#ff40ff]A. YOUR FACE. oooo.[/color] Q. Hey, I saw another user lurking around who wrote in the same shade of pink. What's up with that? [color=#ff40ff]A. Um, yeah. That was me.[/color] Q. Really? So why aren't you still using that account? [color=#ff40ff]A. Because people in real life identify me with that screen name, and I didn't want them reading my blog and finding out all of the things I've been up to.[/color] Q. So why didn't you just set the profile to private, and keep using that account? [color=#ff40ff]A. Because people actually read my blog once in a while.[/color] Q. Okay, cool. So let's get down to business. What's a Rukichu? [color=#ff40ff]A. A Ruki pretending to be a Pikachu. Duh.[/color] Q. Uh huh. Iiiiiinteresting. Say, WILL YOU DRAW ME A PICTURE?! :D [color=#ff40ff]A. Jee, you want ME to draw you something? Why, no one has EVER asked me that one! :roll: Nah, I kid. I kid. I'd love to draw you something. :) Just tell me what and I'll get to work on it.[/color] Q. I asked you to draw me something a long time ago, and I never got it. What in the hell happened? [color=#ff40ff]A. I'm lazy. If it was a commission, then I would get it done very quickly. However, I'm not good enough for those yet. So ho hum.[/color] Q. What do you use to make your pictures? [color=#ff40ff]A. Ahh, again with the artsy-fartsy questions. For digital pictures I like using Paint Shop Pro version Seven. (Anniversary edition, y0!) And for the regular, no-computer-here kinda pics, you'll usually find me using a combination of Prismacolors, Uniball pens, Sharpies, and crayolas.[/color] Q. ...ok, this has been really bugging me. What is it with you and Pokemon?! You know that's for little kids, you shouldn't be watching it. [color=#ff40ff]A. Well, thank you so much for informing me that Pokemon is a series written for children! I had no idea, o wise one.[/color] Q. Jee, that was kinda mean. [color=#ff40ff]A. Jee, that was kinda stupid.[/color] Q. Do you talk to yourself a lot? [color=#ff40ff]A. Only on the Internet. I rarely speak in real life.[/color] Q. What, is that apart of your "disorder" or something? [color=#ff40ff]A. Mind your own business.[/color] Q. Do you have obsessive-compulsive disorder? [color=#ff40ff]A. NO. My personality might be obsessive, but that doesn't mean I have OCD. Get your facts straight.[/color] Q. Speaking of obsessive. I overheard the other day you have a Mac obsession. Wtf? [color=#ff40ff]A. Yeah, that's something I'd rather not get into. Let's just say that for a long time I honest to god fell in love with a cartoon. Looking back, it was pretty sick how bad it was.[/color] Q. Do you still love Mac? [color=#ff40ff]A. I am only going to say this once, so listen closely. [size=24]HELL NO.[/size][/color] Q. Jeez, no need to bite my head off. Do you love *anyone* right now? [color=#ff40ff]A. Yes. I love my wonderful Kraz (Krazykraz01) much more than anything I can think of. :) It's my goal in life to meet him. I love him so so much.[/color] Q. Wai, Kraz? Whatever happened with you and Bloo? (Blooregard727) [color=#ff40ff]A. HE broke up with ME, about three or four times before. We were officially apart New Year's 06... (and a lot of other crap happened, but that's another myob sorta thing.) But I do think you should get to know him, he's a pretty cool dude.[/color] Q. Say, what exactly happened around New Year's? I noticed that you deleted a lot of your accounts and stuff, and-- [color=#ff40ff]A. That's another something I'd much rather not talk about.[/color] Q. Okay. Last question. Are you a girl or a boy? [color=#ff40ff]A. Hmmm. Let's see here. I write in pink, I'm going out with Kraz, who is a straight male, and I complain about my boobs. I sure HOPE I'm a girl. O_o[/color] Q. No wait, one more. Last one, I promise! Are you gay? [color=#ff40ff]A. Let me repeat part of that last question. I am going out with Kraz, who is a very awesomly awesome straight male who kicks ass on every level. How the hell could I be gay?[/color] Q. You called a girl hot once. Actually, MORE than once. [color=#ff40ff]A. Shut up.[/color] Q. Oh, ok. But let's go... [color=#ff40ff]A. Make some hot babies?[/color] Q. Um, I guess that works. [color=#ff40ff]A. Ah, scratch that. Let's just play some Pokemon instead. Those games ARE better than sex, yanno.[/color] Q. ...riiiiiight. [color=#ff40ff]A. *cough*[/color]

My first sketchbook. -dies-

Alright, while I was digging around the disaster zone known as my bedroom-- I found it. I found my first sketchbook. I think I got it when I was 13 and a half, going on 14. And boy, did I suck. Here's three of the BEST pictures there. If you are under the age of 14 ish and you can draw better than this, then odds are you are far more artistic than I am and I will probably lose a job to you one day. Congrats! Okay, prepare yourself. This is gonna get ugly.  Ok here's a Neopet. I think it's a Shoyru.  Here's a faerie.  ...notha faerie. So yeah. I sucked. XD lol. I've improved a lot, I think. You can see that some of the things I've kept the same. (compare the body of the faerie in the second picture to that Kraz picture I recently drew, they're identicle.) I still like "bubble heads," big eyes, and bendable arms. But other than that... not much, really. I've been trying my best to stay far, far away from the Anime look, although the influence is still there. Many of the pictures in that book were really crappy anime or Invader Zim fanarts. :P There was not a lot of origanal artwork. Just some faeries like you saw, and a cartoony portrait of me. I'd share it, but it makes me look like an emokid. :( I'm wearing a shirt that says "DIE" on it with a skull, and some bondage pants. And some of those... armwarmer things. [size=1]I will sadly admit, however, that I do own a few pairs of pants like that in real life. ;________; AND a bajillion little arm-socks. Rawjwkajlare;klrekjl;. SHUT UPPPPPPPPppppp. [color=white](and I will even sadlier admit that I wear them. a lot.)[/color] [/size] So yeah. Not gonna happen. so yeah. I'M GETTING A MOUSE TOMMOROW. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D ...:D

Well. That was fun.

meh. Alright, so today. What happened today. Got up, got ready to leave for my grandparent's house, actually left for the trip, drove there (it took two hours @_@ [luckily I brought TEH LAPTOPZOMG and watched fruit baskets allll the way there with Ally |D]), ate cake, hung out with my uncle, drove back, got some Chinese, came home, wrote this. Meh. I was mad at my dad because he was so sarcastic towards my uncle today. And my mom. She wasn't being too nice to her parents. :? But it was nothing too bad, so whatever. k. Days until Kraz's birthday: 10 Pictures completed: one... ;_________; wah''

Birthday pic/ Leaving a little early/ OMGWTF CHOBIT.

Mmm, looks like my hand's gonna fall off. :D I just spent the last hour or so working on Kraz's birthday-picture. AND IT'S STILL NOT DONE wtf... it's taking for-evah to ink. and meh I don't want to just make ONE picture, that's not enough! But deadlines must be met. :cry: I just want to make something amazing for him. And in other news, my uncle moved his birthday party over to Saturday instead of Sunday at the last second. So if I told you I'd be online tommorow, sorry, that won't be happening. :( But I WILL be online Sunday... I think. Yes. *crosses fingers* Finally, the Chobits Perfect Collection DVD set is being sold dirt-cheap over at Discount Anime DVDs. *___* I reallyreallyreally want this. D: Too bad this visa giftcard I got for Christmas that I never spent is only worth 25 bucks, and not... 30, like I need. >_o Rawr. RAWR I SAY. PS. I AM RUKIFT. Oh, YES. YES I AM. For more details on that, check out my last blog. ok THANKS. COOL.

Hey, guess who this is!

You will NEVER KNOW. Wooo. *spooky wiggly fingers* Um. Hi. I miss my pink. :( Why oh WHYYYYYYYYY must I wait until level three for my pinkidge.