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rukichu Blog

A little angry? I wonder why!

...Just some random thoughts stringed together into a coherent journal entry WHOO!

Hmmmm let's see.

So there's this guy going around on deviantart *cough you know who it is cough* telling everyone my full name-- so what? I gave it out on one of the first blogs I've ever posted. o_O it was in a survey. if you know it, so what? good for you.


About two more weeks until school starts and I'm already scaaared. Porcupine claims he gained thirty or so pounds over the summer so I'm really ":(" over that.

And nooo I still haven't seen him this summer yet. D: even if he's like my bestest cheese slice. Right before school ended we went to a coffee-ish shop together and he made a list of all the things he was going to do over the summer and "TALK WITH A BREEZY" was one of them. ;___; so I feel guilty because if he doesn't complete his LIST then it's like.. partially my fault for being lazy.


ANYWAY CLOSER THAT SCHOOL STARTS = CLOSER IT GETS TO ANIME DETOUR. YESSSSSS. I wish I was going to OTAKON instead because that's only like what... seven DAYS away as compared to the seven months I have to wait? boo hoo.

okay so my gf got this really random thought to pair up my character Onjine with her ghost-ly thing Bella. And I'm like "okay that's sweet :3" but secretly I'm like "HOCRAP WHAT DO I DO." Because I can't roleplay romance-y stuff. XD Whenever I do it's like "jeez RUKI did you steal that from a 99 cent romance novel?" and I'd be like " just a really bad happy hardcore song. :("

oh... oh man. Oh man. I should totally make some more Richie/Bloo stuff. XD Because of that stupid random pairing THAT WAS THE REASON Anime Blob and I became friends in the first place.


nobody reads these... XD Not even I read them. I first started journaling because I wanted to be more like this one girl who I looked up to, I wanted to get someone's attention, and I wanted to have something to remember later on. Before this I kept a journal and wrote in it a lot, but my parents and friends always like... looked inside. D: So I burned it. =D And now I remember nothing from more than a year ago. XDD HAHAHAaaaaaa oooh.


for some reason downloading things makes me happy, even if it's a suspicious looking torrent that will mess up my computer. weee.

look at me go writing in all lowercase to showz mai angst.

lately I've been addicted to strawberry bannana waffles... I've eaten over fifteen in the past week. D: and I'm just waiting for all this junkfood and bad habbits to hit me so I can roll around in my own fat. see that's liek my omg problem. no one can call me skinny or fat so it's like a huge conflict to faind mai aidentity.

man I miss my girlfriend so much. Which is just further proof that I could never handle an offline relationship... I hate being around people and socializing but if it's someone I like then I *have* to be around them all the time.

If anyone remembers what happened to me in eighth-ish grade then yeah that'd be a perfect example I was away for no more than two weeks and I went totally insane because I couldn't be by my one friend who I liked at the time. Like on the third or so day I was like... crying because I couldn't hug them and such.


god I hate my eighth grade self. I wish I could go back in time and bneeyotchslap her. maybe I'll give everyone the "omg full story" but now... I just don't wanna talk about it.

GO WESSSST I'm tired. And I don't know if it's just boredom but it feels like an hour or two after I eat, then I get hungry again. o_O Wtf?

Meanwhile I did that fanart as promised. wow this journal is BORING.


Anyone who's seen "I Only Have a Surprise For You" or whatever knows EXACTLY WHAT I WILL SAY about that one. @___@

HAHAHAHAAAAAAA <3333 YES. It was one of those episodes where it was like the gods smiled down upon me and said,"Breezy, you're cool. Here's a 22 minute fungasm."

...<31!!!! :D :D :D :D skgj;lksfj;lj YES. and now I absolutly have to go draw oodles of fanart from that episode like the loser I SO AM. :D :D: D: lsgjk;lkgj

I did it? ;_;

I finally figured out how to make brushes in paint shop pro. YES OMG HERE I GO. Now I don't have to rely on crappily made websites by typical sixteen year olds (LOL I'M ONE TO TALK o_O) but YAY.

TOMMOROW AT SIX THIRTY = re-airing of new foster's which I MUST NOT MISS FOR ANYTHING.

Also tommorow Cassie's going up north to the lake for the day so I dunno if I'll be dragged in too. An uncle lives in that general area and he just randomly decided to come down here so yeah. I dunwannagothough. because the lake is kinna boring. It's pretty it's just... boring. XD

Okay yeah my girlfriend's out of town AGAIN so I'm all emo because my emo soulmate is gone. And now that I don't have her to talk with and such, I did something boring yet semi-productive! yeehaw!

I went on another massive gif spree. :D and made a bunch from the foster's episode Eddie Monster. If you wanna see then just go on over to my second photobucket account. (yo)

My favorites--


AND my parent's freaking stoner friends JUST CAME BACK OVER and they won't LEAVE ME ALONE Ajsd;kja;lkj;lksjl;kjsfljeoij why can't they just go AWAY I HATE SOCIALIZING.

uhurhurhuaaaaa whut

Macfan121 has won the crazy contest. SHE MADE A RUKIFT FANCLUB. on deviantart yes. I know no one's gonna join but still it's like "egoboost plz?"

other good news in my life is that I actually completed the picture I was yapping about. *gasp*

Dear world,


Forget about when my cat died, when my grandma died, not having a family car until I was like ten and transporting everything around by a pain in the ass WAGON, cockroaches, getting accused of wanting to kill a bunch of students, my sister going half deaf, or a certain bloo with a 727.


So I was sitting there on my royal ass, coloring an old picture of mine and I am like totally goin' on and stuff. I got into this like ZEN OF COLORING from the marker fumes and it was just so beautiful. I'm completely lost in a trance and feeling all lightheaded from ink and I'm gettin' all "yeeeeheeheheeeoooow"

TRANSLATE THE LAST WORD AS YOU WILL I THINK WE ALL KNOW WHAT IT MEANS. So there's also a tv running in the background and I'm like "whatever" because all they care to tell about is the OMG TORNADOS that are going to eat me. [and in all honesty it was the funniest time I've ever seen a tornado warning... it's the middle of July and the sun is shining. XDD OH COME ON.] And after that a commercial for the new foster's comes on. DDD= so I'm like "OH, CRAP."

BUT IT GETS WORSE. Not only was the commercial shown after the episode was done airing (wtf? what kind of sick person does that?) but it featured lots of hot Mac shots. :( Like one where he's like CRAWLING AROUND WITHOUT A SHIRT ON. and wearing these hot army-ish pants. :(

So after seeing that my HEART SNAPPED. MY FRAGILE EMO HEART SNAPPED. Excuse me while I go cut myself to relieve the stress and pressure of my terrible life. D:

[and yes I am blowing things out of proportion but I'm still pissed. :D]

*rolls around*

I have too many blogs XD I'm thinking of making a new account, yaaah... yeaaah....    yeah... I should do that... yeah.... just don't hate me if I do.

only problem is that I cannot decide between the sn "antigen" and "mac-fetishist" OMG CONFLICT?

anyway my internet-dwama problem is solved because I found a station that plays Chicane and ATB on a regular basis. Feck yes.

my problem with Cassie is not resolved just yet bcause she hasn't really talked to me much tonight, if she does remember our promise then at least I'll be ready nowwww.


WAIT NO that can't be

IT'S THURSDAY ALREADY. Which leaves only four days until monday... aka the day when I'm forced into piano lessons!

I was going to like, really push myself this week and practice every day for an HOUR. Lately I've been definatly not doing as well and just like... generally sucking. Seven hours of practice of the course of a week would really help, right?

Last time I checked the calender, it was tuesday. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE. The summer's really taking its toll I guess... the days are just blending into each other so smoothly. Maybe two hours of practice a day would help instead, but focusing on somehting for two hours straight? no thanks, can't do that... o_O

Anyway good news is that I discovered this shocking fact about the date by going on the foster's forum and seeing that Noze had posted an episode discussion thread for the new one that'd air tonight. so yeah!

and speaking of Foster's I'd totally pay sean marquette any sum of money to fake an orgasm in his mac voice. And yes, you all needed to know that. :D Your life is now complete now that you know that.

fangirl much?

BREEZY = me... duh...
AB = Anime Blob/my gf

Excuse the insane ammount of ehcks-dee'ing but this was too good to pass up.

Breezy says:
...o__O they sound like carbon copies of these two kids at my school who have the urge to go into deep makeout sessions wherever they go. the lunch line, band practice, in the hall, waiting for the bus... it's like.. um.. no.. x(
AB says:
Good God! That sounds even WORSE!! It'd be like, "[deep moan while waiting for lunch]" Eeeew.. I bet they got Mono at least ONCE. XD
Breezy says:
They had to have XDD
AB says:
Yeah. And I bet alittle ONE of their spleens exploded. XDDD (that's my favorite sytomp is an exploding spleen XDDDD)
Sydnee says:
* atleast
Breezy says:
LOL that'd be... beautiful. *kisssnog* *EXPLODE*
AB says:
XDDDD Yes. Yes it would be! LOL
AB says:
"[maaaaaakeout]" ... "[EXPLOOODE]"
Breezy says:
XDD That needs to happen more often..
AB says:
Yes. Especailly to the kids who randomly make-out. XDD LOL!
Breezy says:
YES and the ones that are OBNOXIOUSLY LOUD about it. o__O
AB says:
..That happened.. once. I heard kids loudly making out. o___o
Breezy says:
...what's funny is how I'm looking at naruto slash with gaara/rock lee making out as we complain about this. XDDD
AB says:
AB says:
Well SLASH making out is Okaaay
Breezy says:

NO. I won't accept it.

My favorite radio station on the Internet.



SHUT DOWN. And now if you want to listen you like have to pay them money and it's REALLY SUPER um... NOT FUN AND STUFF. Because THAT STATION.. and only that one.. had some of the rarest songs ever. ;_; so rare that when you type them into amazon, limewire, itunes, they just step back and go "WHIGGAWHUUUU?"

in other news Bloo is being an idiot and spamming my deviantart page with his usual cries for attention. it's soooo not cool.