Coffee, but I don't like the aftertaste. I just have a pretty busy lifestyle so caffeine keeps me going.
RumbleRuses' forum posts
GT: SpaceboundShady
Feel free to add me, I have 40 spaces free.
I'm at college 90% of my week but when I'm not doing essays or studying I tend to be playing Resident Evil Revelations.
And a lot of it. I played MGS Peace Walker and RE6 until my 360 ate the discs, so I need to get replacements of those.
This makes me happy. I use a power-A wired transparent 360 controller and it's pretty small, I like it because it allows for more precision due to the more robust control sticks and smoother buttons. I also hit the guide button a lot less during Resident Evil Raid Mode QTEs.
I'm so down for buying one of these.
Spoilers are possible here. We've all had those moments, being reduced to tears by a cutscene, or seething with rage at a cheap boss. I'm curious as to what affected you guys the most in all of your years of playing, and why.
I would say MGS3 and 4's endings respectively left me an emotional wreck, but instead I'm going to say something that I've literally heard very few people admit - I shed tears when I finished Resident Evil 3.
It was like saying goodbye to an old friend, and to a story I had invested many hours in. From the Arklay Mansion to the RPD, all of the locations were imprinted vividly in my mind, and when Jill defeated the Nemesis and finally left the city I found respite through all the scares I had endured as a pre-teen with the first three games. When the nuclear warhead decimated Raccoon City, part of my childhood died with the citizens, and it really felt like that chapter of the RE series was put to rest completely. It felt like utter absolution.
How about you guys?
Kojima also greatly exaggerated the importance of a Blu-Ray disc because he was on a pretty nice payroll by Sony at the time. MGS4 can be played on the 360, albeit on say, four or five discs. I'd buy it.
There's also the fact that only in recent years have developers been fully at home with current gen systems. Look at Halo 3, then Halo 4 for example.
Customisation, difficulty, lore, skill being required to progress, the feeling of achievement, most of the community, seamless side-quests and exploration, each character having a story to them, everything having absolution and resolution, the art style, the settings + level design, the music, the story, and the realism to it.
It's the best RPG game along with Demon's Souls, in my opinion.
So recently I came across a video detailing the fact that Punished Snake must be Frank Jaegar posing as a body double because he isn't voiced by David Hayter, he smokes electronic cigars in a windy desert that definitely wouldn't put a real cigar out, and wears an eyepatch with not two but /three/ straps.
My theory is that its probably the secret clone of BB that likes to smoke electric cigars and has a devil horn because inside he's a demon for reals and his theme song is animal i have become because he has a devil trigger when he gets 2 mad and then he extends his penis in a snake like manner and punishes his enemies and that's why he's called punished snake and the song is called sins of the father because his dad is really just Pope Benedickt and that's why Punished Snack likes children so much.
It took a lot of analysis but I think I got it.
You can't expect somone in power to be acountible becuase power desecrates empathy and compassion. We don't need cops for protection, we need protection from cops. Cops are not protecting us from brutes, cops are the brutes. Only we can protect ourselves from brutes who wish to rise to power. Convince me to change my mind.
I am not in favor of premuture revolution either. If too many people still believe in states when the next one occurs, we may have to deal with another Lenin or Napolean. If that happens I will flee the country. I don't understand how anyone can have hope in a government and economic system rotten to the core.
TC is obviously trolling, cops exist; we see them every day??????
Those aren't cops, they're just really aggressive strippers
Everything I knew was a lie...It makes perfect sense, it's precisely why they demanded all that money when they found the dead hookers in my car!
You can't expect somone in power to be acountible becuase power desecrates empathy and compassion. We don't need cops for protection, we need protection from cops. Cops are not protecting us from brutes, cops are the brutes. Only we can protect ourselves from brutes who wish to rise to power. Convince me to change my mind.
I am not in favor of premuture revolution either. If too many people still believe in states when the next one occurs, we may have to deal with another Lenin or Napolean. If that happens I will flee the country. I don't understand how anyone can have hope in a government and economic system rotten to the core.
TC is obviously trolling, cops exist; we see them every day??????
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