@Flen15: Im starting to think same.... And actually hoping so more and more. they said they will have 2 million at launch. And by all accounts that sold out in a few hours. I know it probably won't hit PS4 numbers atleast not for a long time if ever, however 2 mil would be more than ps4 did day 1. According to a Swedish retailer it is selling more than ps4 did, but just an easy google search will show ps4 day 1 was 1 million-switch 2 million.
@lebanese_boy: Yeah they seem to still be holding out some information which is odd for a system launching in a little over a month. As for indies--- It still does not beat out the indiestation 4.
And that's not a knock- most of my solo games are played on the playstation, just funny that most of the same people who are knocking switch getting indies are acting like ps4 is the only system that has only AAA exclusives and no indies.
@csward: while I think it's already given I agree with the replies against you--- would like to add
For people who work all week and play during weekend - having the option to play on the weekend is always nice. So if you buy for Xbox the game technically comes out on the 17-18 depending on when you start it up.
ryanthegeneral's comments