I sent in mine on Monday, I called them today to check on the status and they haven't even received it yet. Then the support guy continued on to tell me that it will take at least a month for them to ship it back to me. Merry F***ing Christmas Microsoft.
I think the problem is that you have TOO MANY games! Jeebus, if you want I can take a few of those off your hands. You should try picking up another hobby to supplement gaming. Collecting barbies is a favorite of mine. Good luck with your boredom!
I don't really think that's feasible unless you're talking about rising to the ranks of Fatality (sp?) and the like. Your best bet would be to join a clan and find ladders/leagues online. I know they are out there, couldn't give you a direct link though.
I agree, pre-ordering video games is useless unless you are getting a T-shirt or special edition with it. There will be plenty of copies at your local wallyworld or target.
BTW the HD DVD player connects via USB or mini USB. And in my opinion the HD DVD player isn't worth the money until the format war is over. I bought one and am regretting it.
Are you talking about the HDMI cable? Because if you are then no, it won't make a visible difference unless you have a 103" TV and sit 3' away from it. The component connection supplied is all you need. Spend the $50 on Bioshock or CoD4!
1 year and mine is still going strong even with relatively intense gaming most days of the week. I sure hope mine doesn't die on me. What will I do?!?!?!
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