First one was as bad as the attack of the killer tomatoes, you cant expect it to be better.
It was dirt cheap to make and the rights got passed around like a drunk stripper on spring break. Thats why it had sequels and cartoons, and the toys were literal made in china garbage created to milk the IP to the max. Some didnt even had joints.
Dinklage already did cyrano and was great in it. How was he convinced to do this.
Maybe thats why he was mad he wasnt cast on snow white.
They got destroyed with Dead Space remake, since Dead Space had such a solid foundation to work on and they delivered, tho i somehow found dead space shorter this time around, since a lot of the gripe on the original was fixed, like meteor section and leviathan fights, even the last boss fight was a joy to do.
Callisto fell into Dead space wannabe and didnt managed to pull it off.
@esqueejy: Its an investment, like how people buys cases of brand whiskey then a few decades later they can sell those tax free. I mean some pokemon cards to this day have an insane value and collectors pay it. As long as that card remains absurdly rare, he has 2 million in the bank, not to mention he can pay insurance for it.
RTX was so poorly implemented on koboh if you went near the rivers, the water ate 30 fps at least.
But anywere else it was spectacular like coruscant, moon base or jedah, strange that only large water bodies worked so wonky with rtx. Jedah had sandstorms and a pretty cinematic part and in those i experienced no fps loss.
Still a superb story, keep em coming EA/respawn, you got my 70 bucks secured.
Am not far into the game to have found some of those but the gunslinger rifle its great, i mean i hardly use my handgun due to the precision that it has, i made short work of the Wolf with it. With the mutator that stack crit chance and dmg those 10 fast rounds and fast reload. I went with the mod that shot light shards like a shotgun, nice flechette dmg.
I really wanted the bow and crossbow to be viable but they are not meant for solo play.
The problem was adding all those token kids, if the movie would have been about Mary getting powers it would have been fun.
I knew it was going downhill when the first one added some many superpowered kids.
Levi was great tho, make the movie around him not the other way around, and the actor that played billy was a bad pick, the kid with the cripple would have been a better choice.
s1taz4a3l's comments