@j3diknightdave: If they wouldnt put denuvo, only other choice is always online which would also have people throwing tantrums, somehow they can pay 70 bucks and not have internet all the time... only people excused would be australians since they do everything backwards over there.
But... but... Sony has sold more than a hundreds of million of consoles as they have said it. By their own reasoning they own the whole console market.
So MS, Nintendo and even ourselves the poor PC master race are just a tiny blip in their console dominance.
No more fallout, no more Elder scrolls. I think Sony is upset because they cant leech tittles anymore and have to get creative on their own. All the time and effort they are putting into trying to block the purchase of activision should be put into launching new exclusive franchises.
Beta was fun and not nearly as chaotic as playing diablo immortal that you were bumping people everytime you wanted to do a bounty.
The only thing that i noticed is that i had no problem in putting it down, i didnt feel the urge of " one more mob pack and i log off".
Respec is one thing i have a beef off, it will get absurdly expensive later on. They went the same route as POE you prob will do two respec a year kinda thing. You start paying mere coins at the start, but by lv 50 its going to be in the thousands just to remove a point, i didnt do the math but i paired with somebody and he was saying like 300-500k gold a full respec. And that is if the cost stays fixed at lv50 and not scales as you reach paragon levels.
Granted that items were selling in the thousands but i can clearly see that the nerf bat will hit selling prices on items to squeeze the meta.
I think the issue is with their 4k 40gb texture pack optional install, was monitoring my gpu while i played at 2k with no 4k high res pack, and temps were normal.
Abnormal was that the usage was the same wether in game or in the menu when you can see your character.
@Vaildez: For all we know blizzard already have the workload set to handle everyone that purchased it so they could experience no queue at all.
I held back on pre ordering so its mostly guess work based on my experience with POE, they(POE) clearly can push people to the front of the queue in advance as its been shown multiple times on the yearly big patches.
@DarkLord: The thing they arent telling is that people that pre purchased now will have a shorter queue, its only the f2p hordes that will get hours in queue, shouting " rabble rabble rabble!!"
@hardwenzen: Because you are seeing it month by month, when they let go 400 people is seen as" how much money will be saved yearly." And 400 isnt a small number, i mean thats close to 30-50 million a year with US salaries, less if the staff was outside US.
s1taz4a3l's comments