You are older, less wiser and ranting like Abe Simpson. Its time to move on because everytime you click here to reply you give revenue to gamespot, falling again and again to clickbaiting.
Please reply some more rant. Give moar revenue and clicks, moaaarrrrrr.
@Atzenkiller: Its the opposite from a business POV, Gamespot has more visits while GB doesnt and they need the visitors from this site to check the other that is going into decline.
I went to see what GB is about but it doesnt click for me.
Nobody is forcing you to click the wrestling articles tbh or any article that isnt appealing to you.
Its your mouse! Blame it on your mouse he is the one clicking every bait article!
@Vaildez: But they got bought. Even if it was by third party resellers. Its the people that buy from scalpers that perpetuate that business practice. When somebody is making 500 bucks as profit from scalping and getting away with it there is no reason to not doing it.
s1taz4a3l's comments