@Cody Elford I don't think you've understood the feature. Steam doesn't power ON your computer to start the download. This will power on the console and start the download as soon as you've bought the game on the app. Not just add it to your library for you to download when you come home.
@Griffmstr @s2i2p2i2o To clarrify. The embassys are owned by the country it represents, but the land on which it stands does not belong to that country and should not be called "American soil" if it for example is an American embassy.
@Griffmstr @s2i2p2i2o American embassys are not American soil. That is just a myth. The only place in Europe that is Amercain soil is somewhere in Britain where there is a statue or some monument remebering an American general.
And not talking foreign spies, America have troops stationed in around 150 countries, which is too many imo. Btw, I should say that it's not America I am hating on but the idea of ANY country having that many troops spread out in the world. But since America have troops in that many countries I actually think that is what the game references and not spies. And I say again, it's not America I hate but the idea of a nation spreading their troops around the world so they can keep controll and have locations prepared for when they want to go to war with a new country.
@JDgrindcore But unless you like Windows 8 and a crapton of advertisements then it isn't really a good thing. Maybe you like it. I don't. (Should say I haven't posted a negative comment about it calling it shit or anything, besides this then that it).
@RuthlessRich @s2i2p2i2o Level design is great imo. Sam's movement is fucked up and limper as spiderman. Enemie's behavior is actually pretty good. They inspect places where you almost got detected and dogs are a pain in the ass with their smelling bs. It is more like COnviction than the older games, but it is a lot more stealthy and it is actually challanging on Realistic this time. When you play it, play on realistic. It's more of a stealth game this time around compared to Conviction. Try it.
@RuthlessRich Sorry but I played the game on PC with direct X11 and it looks way better than Conviction. Maybe they just couldn't cram more out of the 360 and didn't see any reason to cram more out of the ps3's complicated Cell processor? (Not hating, just stating a fact. Love consoles).
@Elite_Commandor CoD isn't nr 1 because it stuck to the original formula. It is number one because it's a game with a multiplayer that is simple and easy which means that any 10 year old can jump on there and get a bunch of kills, since he/she only needs to hit the other guy twice or three times with a weapon that sprays around 400 bullets per minute. That is why CoD is number one in sales.
As for waht you said about Splinter Cell I agree. They should have stuck to the original formula. But honestly, this game is pretty good. At least if you play it on Realistic difficulty. There are actually some challange in it this time, unlike Conviction.
s2i2p2i2o's comments