@evil_snuggles Yeah, in multiplayer. Single player will still be 30 fps. Link below. Doesn't really matter, it's great with 60 fps for multiplayer. even though it will cost some visual eyecandy. http://n4g.com/news/1338457/killzone-shadow-fall-sp-will-be-30-fps-while-mp-is-60-fps
@und3roath I think it was more like the characters sometimes choose to do things which doesn't go with the way the character acts and should behave. They go against their personality without a logic reason.
@Class_Act998675 @istuffedsunny I don't think you know what the term "troll" actually means. It is not just when you post a negative comment about something. There's more to it, kid.
@4Sir Actually, a friend works at a Gamestop store here in Sweden and he's said that a crap ton of people don't even realize that the WiiU is a new system, and not just another version of the Wii. A lot of people who buys Nintendo's systems are parents or EXTREMELY casual players, and even though there is nothing wrong with that, those aren't the kind oif people who stays up to date with the latest gaming news. It would probably had been better if they'd just named it Wii 2.
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