@edinko So what is stopping them from going to Bungie's forum and complain or praise sertain aspects of the game? Most people who have a console own a computer as well.
Most people will not go to the forums and give their opinion, but honestly neither do most people who play beta on PC. I sertainly didn't for starcraft 2, Battlefield 3, Dota 2 and will not do it for BF4 even though I played/will play the beta. I really don't get your point...
@Setho10 @s2i2p2i2o @deadkingdg Okay, didn't know that. Does it simply stop you from using any more or does it lower your speed after you've reached the cap?
@deadkingdg Wait, they cap your download limit for your "standard" internet you use at home and not just on mobile internet services? Or do you only have a mobile internet?
@amaneuvering Are you serious? We've been stuck with 1080 as an "acceptable" resolution for what seems like forever! Honestly, 1920x1080 on a screen that is 42" or higher is not good enough.
@sladakrobot Of course. It's all a matter of opinion. In my opinion it doesn't matter if they make DR3 for 360 or not. That game is still not a reason for me to get an Xbox One.
@BamaGoatt @s2i2p2i2o yeah, but at the same time i am not sure how many studies are being done testing the "agressiveness" of football players, people who whatch action movies or read a sertain kind of books. So in a way they are targeting games. But that is on a big picture, and this specific test might not have been "out to get" games. (Sorry if there are a lot of grammatical mistakes in this text. English is my second language, plus I am currently drunk).
@Sniperwire I sort of agree but at the same time not at all. There is ALWAYS something that could be improved in a game. It is impossible to make something perfect and that should be kept in the mind of the reviewer and the person reading the review. If a game is reaaaaaally f-ing good, for its genre, and only has got a feeeeew problems it deserves a 10 imo. Like you said, there is ALWAYS something that could be better in the game, and since that is the case close to perfect should equal 10/10, since actual perfect is impossible.
s2i2p2i2o's comments