@bannermanner @s2i2p2i2o @jessie82 Are you sure you could kill kids in Fable? If so I might have to change my opinion of that series. It bugged me in Skyrim that you couldn't kill kids.
@jessie82 No, they pretty much never kill dogs in games. or children for that matter. It's really a shame. . . .I'm guessing the dog will live. Unfortunately I will never find out since I'm not sure if I'll begetting ghost, and even if I get it I will probably not play the entire single player.
@Skkyzz @millbro @edven971 Haha of cource you need to like it, but that doesn't remove the fact that the company, as a whole, want to make money. On an individual level everyone needs to like their job.
They want to make money, so they can keep making great games, so they can keep making money, so they can keep making games and so on. . .
@billlabowski worked out okay for....what was the name of that game? Multiplayer only.... elfs, dwarfs, trolls and humans... shadow fall? Anyway, you played console and pc together and it worked thanks to aim assist for controll users. At least I thought it was okay.
When playing alone I almost alway have my 360 hucked up to my second pc monitor next to my computer. It would be great to be able to use mouse and keyboard for consoles as well. When playing with my little brother when he visits me I just move it to the tv (about 2 meters to the right :P).
@moataz1993 it took him about 50 seconds to drain half his breathing-thingy.... A lot of people can hold their breath for over two minutes....World record for holding one's breath under water is 22 minutes. Granted, he didn't move around while doing that, but still.
@Dark_Mits It has an impact on the experience but more in the sense of that it would be worse if it wasn't in the game. Poeple might not think twice about the foliage when it is good, but it can sure as hell get notyiced when it's unrealistic and behaves like crap. So it still has an impact on the experience.
s2i2p2i2o's comments