@neowarrior121 @Hermes33 To be fair, how old does something need to be to be called classic? Or does i just need to fullfill some other specific criterias? And what would those be then? Is the zelda music still a classic even though they use other instruments and add a note here and there?
@UNCStriker88 @s2i2p2i2o You do know that that already is on the 360 right? That has been there from day one. You report players on several different bases (Shouting, cheating, unsportmanlike conduct as so on). And unfortunatelly it doesn't make any difference what so ever. Rember seeing the 5 star rating thing? Everyone ended up having 5 stars no matter what. If you checked your profile you could see what percentage of behavior people had reported you for (Profanity was my highest one).
@dani_i89 @samidiab @Sidburn19 Maybe you should practise your reading comprehension there little buddy. The "facts" was the numbers regarding 360, ps3 and wii failure rates, not that Xbox One would fail. He just said that because of those facts (54.2 % failure rate for 360) he doesn't have much faith in MS. Read his comment one more time, slowly, and I'm sure you'll get it. *pats on head*
@UNCStriker88 Are you reffering to their "smart matchmaking"? Or what ever they called it... Not to be a pessimist, but they said the same thing about matchmaking when the 360 launched, and in the beggining every game developer talked about how they would match you with similarly skilled players who had the similar behaviour as you, and we all know that was just a bunch of crap. I wouldn't get too excited about their clever matchmaking (same goes for PS4). It will most likely be the same as it is today. "Choose your gamer zone. You will be matched up with players who have chosen the same"... yeeah that worked out great. . .
@edinko @s2i2p2i2o And my point is that you are just as able to help as you have been in the past. Why are you not able to give help according to you? What has changed? A beta is an early version of the game. People play it and then make comments on the game maker's website/forum. What is the difference today compared to before?
Or is it the fact that you only get access to it if you do a sertain thing, like pre-order or buy a different game? If that is the case then you are wrong, since games like Battlefield had public beta on consoles as well as PC. In what way is it a scam? Elaborate on your statments.
@Grenadeh @SoNin360 But that is what you are saying about this guy.... So why is it wrong to say that about Nelson but okay for you to say so now? Just chill out dude.
@CodeNomak Don't compare multiplatform games to see the power of the console. Compare exclusives and then you'll see the difference. Fable 3 vs Uncharted 3? (I don't like the uncharted series at all I should say, even though I tried all of them, but there is no denying that it looks great from a graphical standpoint).
@PS4-Rocks-U @Sky_Stifler I really like the game for the most part, but as soon as you spent any time with the character's rich friends it was reeeeaaaaaally fucking annoying. Was that stupid bitch really talking about their relationship in the middle of this situation?! Did that douchebag really just say look at my cool tats while f-ing pirates are shooting at us?! Apart from the people you had to save I like the game.
s2i2p2i2o's comments