@Dannystaples14 I often put on a movie or a tv-show on my second pc screen while playing games like gta or a beat 'em up button masher. While trying to find collectables or things like that, that doesn't really give anything story-whise and doesn't require my fully attention. It's actually pretty nice. But only if I've already seen the movie before of course.
@Diegoctba Yeah, away with creativity and new ideas! **** off! We want a new generic FPS with MORE EXPLOSIONS! Stop ruining the industry by giving us things besides mindless killing and bullets flying through the air!
@phatsanta @s2i2p2i2o @EmericaCky2K Still I'd say he has a tendency to do so. Just becaue he like one challanging game doesn't make my statement untrue. Still, I could be wrong.
@wwervin Actually I feel the opposite. Why have a 1-10 scale if you're not gonna use it? Save the 8-10 to games which are greater than good. Give good games 7-6. okay games 5. Save the rest of the numbers for the crap not worth playing, which, according to gamespot, this isn't. Why have the five last if u never use them?
s2i2p2i2o's comments