I agree with everything he says! EVERYTHING! I would give it a 7 though since it is really enjoyable playing with friends. But yeah, it's really shallow.
Sound like it's pretty good. All classes shouldn't be able to do everything. If you're a healer then you should suck donkey desti cles at combat. Maybe the healing should be more efficient but still, judging by what they said, it sounds ok.
@cboye18 @DaBigTickett What do you expect? Really? I don't get how people can expect more than this. What did you think it would be like? (Not being a di ck and is not written in an angry tone. I just read that so often and I just don't get it. . )
As long as they don't interupt the action too often with short cutscenes (like MAx Payne 3) or with "walk-and-talks" (like The Last of Us) it should be ok.... Looks entertaining.
@tableofjapan Well...yeah...that's kinda why we like the system we like - because of the big names. No one ever says "I like xbox because of 'insert no-name arcade title nobody's ever heard of and just a few ppl played the trial version of it' ". Or are you trying to make a joke and I'm just to tired to get it?
@M3o5nster @s2i2p2i2o True, you did. I'm just getting tired of the EA hate and not dishing some of it out to the developers. You said TDM was added to compete with Call of Duty. What makes you think that wasn't DICE? I'm pretty sure developers want their game to sell as well as the publisher. I just don't get why publishers get the "greedy-stamp" while developers doesn't. . . . Developers can be just as, and probably are just as greedy as publishers.
@M3o5nster I get that EA sucks but come on. BF has always been an EA franchise if I'm not mistaken so the blame should also be placed at DICE. Or EA should get some of the glory from when it was done right.
@eternal_napalm @Arcturuss No, because it's most likely a lie. The hardware isn't allowing them to go steady at 60 fps without making too many sacrifices in the graphics department.
@ArchoNils2 That's besides the point. They are still using other people's content to make money. If someone took a movie and did a funny voice over and put it on youtube that still counts as posting the movie, even though us viewers would come for the entertaining soundtrack and not the rest of the clip.
Btw, I'm not saying I think youtubers should pay developers. Devs gets A TON of free publicity from big- and noname video creators. I'm just saying that your argument is flawed :P
s2i2p2i2o's comments