@DoomglooM You don't have many friend right? And I mean real life friends, not people you play games with online. You just really seems like a douchebag.I have only whatched 3 reviews of games and the console itself, they all said that. Not like it's a dealbreaker, but things like you needed to push pretty hard for it to register everything which made it difficult for games like Zombie U when you have to drag and drop shit when using your inventory.I have never said that the 360 didn't have problems. And I have never defended Microsoft for that great ****-up! They messed up big time and it cost them dearly.
@abHS4L88 Pretty sure a lot of them have said that. I havn't used it extensively so I can't be counted as one of them. But I have used it, and reviews of it has stated this fact. I agree with them based on my....3-4 hours of using it.And yeah, those differend roles, "You are able to place blocks (!) to help, or hinder your friend". Not really something that makes me want to buy the game. A few games might be able to impliment the screen in a nice way, just like some games used the motion feature for the first wii, but most games will probably not. I hope I am wrong, but I just don't see it happening.
@DoomglooM That's not the same thing. The 360 had great features and was interesting, but had somewhat of a crappy hardware. The WiiU has a strange basic concept that makes it difficuly to play a lot of the games (talking bout the screen adn the fact that you need to look down at your MASSIVE controller, which also has got a pretty poor touch screen). And btw, not all 360s broke, while ALL WiiUs have this problem since it's part of the system's features.
@Zanoh @JustPlainLucas @Daian What? I hardly think lazyness is the reason. It's more like they want it to only be sold via Origin (and physical copies in stores).
@Daian Is this a "Laptop" in the sense that one can insert dvd's and shit in it and install games, or just in the sense that one can can use a keyboard? If it's only because of the keyboard and windows 9 then it's overpriced. If it actually does have the same features as a laptop then it's fine IMO.
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