@DeadlyMustard I do believe they have a backup plan. They can easily patch the system to remove the authentication process or something. However, if there is already a deal with publisher and other big retailers then they will not be able to change it due to contractual reasons.
@zowbaid The problem is that if that is their intended user base, then nobody will buy games for it and game publishers will abandon it. But yeah, your right, Microsoft became arrogant having been the top seller of consoles for so many months and this is what happens.
This is not good. Imagine buying a AAA game at launch night and you go home and can't play it because you need to authenticate the license key because the authenticating servers are busy. Worst case scenario, you can't play the game for a week due to a hack in the system because you authenticating key on your game is invalid. Didn't they learn from SimCity and Diablo 3?
@timdogg42069 Yeah, my thoughts exactly. If you see all those pictures where a guy collects all these amazing videogames since childhood complete with mint boxes and manuals and show it to his son. Well, I guess Xbox ONE games will not be there.
@VincentVendetta Yeah..it seems Microsoft already has a great console but they have not thought well enough what would the 'worst case scenario' in their used games policy and authenticating/verification games policy. I bet there is a huge debate going on right now at their headquarters what to release to the press for damage control.
The fact that their Xbox 360 is still very strong in the market is not in their favour either. It would just cut into the Xbox One after launch sales just like the PS2 did with the PS3 7 years ago.
@jahmyrr @sacatash @SweetPandaLove Oh...ok. I see your point. I actually like the Xbox ONE since I buy all the consoles but Microsoft doing this is shooting themselves on the foot. Just like Sony screwing up their PSP to PS Vita conversion program.
@jahmyrr @SweetPandaLove This is not even a 'fanboy' issue. Its about Microsoft and Gamestop having a MONOPOLY on your used games. I sell and buy used games using free ad service in Canada called Kijjiji and it is WAY better and you have the freedom to set your price with the buyer, seller or trader.
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