Dang. Sad to see him go, but good for him. He was a game-changer for Nintendo. Don't know anything about this non-evil Bowser fella, but I assume he'll do well.
I was pretty excited for Anthem. Then Apex Legends came out... EA needs to stop competing w/ itself (BF5, Anthem, Apex all released w/in 3.5 months of each other) w/ shooter stuff.
Sure they're different subgenres of the shooter genre, but can only take so much of new similar stuff.
@jerusaelem: And I realized Blizzard is a shell of its former self, a sham of what it used to be, relying on appealing to casuals, kids, and idiots w/ gimmicky aesthetic design, characters, and writing, while having just enough high-end mechanical design (that they still don't understand how to balance) to attract toxic players as well.
Miss this series, haven't played since FM16 (had 500+ hrs in some previous iterations). But I just can't commit the time to it anymore. =( Glad it's still doing well!
I haven't seen reviews for their cycling games, but it seems like Cyanide is always just on the brink of releasing a great action-adventure/RPG type game and falls just short.
I want to root for them, b/c i do like the Orcs/Styx series (only games of their's i've played), but I'm reluctant about games like Werewolf: The Apocalypse b/c of poor reviews of games like this, old Game of Thrones, etc. All their games at least seem to have good-to-great stories (even if the writing is cheesy, flawed, etc).
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