@Hey_Jay there's still some integrity out there. It's just those games don't get advertised up the wazoo (i.e. indie games) or only come out once every few years (like Bethesda, 2k/Rockstar games, etc). But yes, it is definitely more money-driven and less inspiring than say just 6 years ago... =\
@Sardinar there were a couple more in recent years, if memory serves me right... granted, I suppose he said as long as the games "educate" players and are "artistic" it's ok... I suppose AC series can be educational to the right player.
indirectly hating on the big AAA devs just a year ago lol http://www.gamespot.com/news/pursuit-of-aaa-is-a-cancerous-growth-ac3-dev-6365381 gonna do an original post on this lol..
Remember when Ubisoft suits were ripping on EA and Activision? I guess if you can't beat them, join them?
Anyway, I don't plan on buying another Ubisoft game any time soon, even AC4, AC5, AC6, and AC7 in the next year. I needed a reason to save money anyway, thanks Ubisoft for making the decision easy to avoid your games!
@The_Bones don't worry, you aren't the only one who doesn't get why Journey is good (I'm guessing you're left-brain dominant). My friend is the same way. I'll never forget when he said, "yeah, don't get me wrong, it's a good game, but...the gameplay is shallow. You just hold Up the entire time." Well, I should say ex-friend...
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