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sam_fisher_lock Blog

Why can't I beat this game!?

I have been trying for so freakin long to beat Megaman 9,I don't know why I can't beat it, you guys probably think I am horrible at video games for this but it's the first time it's happened to me, other than the incident with Battletoads. I think it's a curse, every Megaman game I play I suck at (other than Megaman 10) the only 3 stages I can completely master are Concrete man's, Galaxy man's and Tornado man's, I managed to beat a few others but thats about it, I haven't even made it to Willy's Castle yet. This isn't a good thing to happen since this is the game that's meant to kick start my series of videos, i've been playing this game alot recently along with Marvel vs Capcom 2 which is the second game i'm gonna review in the series and I just realized how hard it is to get the trophies/achievements, if anyone has gotten all of them please let me know.

That was pretty much all I had to say, sorry if I bored you


Top 10 favourite feature characters in fighting games

I have been a bit behind schedule lately, i'm sadly back at school and this is the only day I have left to do this blog until the weekend, i'm finally going to do my feature fighting characters blog and the countdown was only gonna be 5 people but then I decided that was to little so I did 10 and one more thing before I start, crossover games count, some people complain about it not counting, well to bad and lets get started.

10.Kratos (Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny)

yea i'm aware the top of the picture says God of war II, I bought Soul Calibur: BD as soon as it came out, why? because of Kratos and that new creepy guy with the mustache. Kratos is former god who he rips off the heads of other gods, so answer me this, why hasn't everyone in the game died yet? if he can kill Zues then i'm pretty sure he could beat up some little girl with a sword.

9. Ryu Hayabusa (Dead or Alive)

I had never played Dead or Alive before I got this game, but it was like $20 so I didn't care, I played the game and the first person I went to use was Ryu, but I wasn't very good with him so I stopped playing as him :P I started to get good with some of the other fighters but then I played as Ryu again and after a full hour of using him I become awesome at using him. how may times did I say 'him' in that sentence?

8. Megaman (Marvel vs Capcom 1 and 2)

This was the only picture that I could find of Megaman that was actually good, the other ones were either 100x120 or 800x900. Megaman was the first character I ever used in Marvel vs Capcom 1 and 2, I own both Megaman 9 and 10 for the PS3 and I own the the first three NES titles which isn't alot of Megaman games if you think about it. There is only one problem I have with the series, why is it so damn HARD!?

7. Ryu (every Capcom crossover)

Street fighter is probably my second favourite fighting game franchise, mainly because of SF3 and SSFIV, Ryu and Dudley aredefinitely my favourite characters out of the whole franchise, the reason Ryu is so low is because he is in every Capcom crossover, which can make him a bit annoying since he's always the Capcom poster boy.

6. Chris Redfield (Marvel vs Capcom 3)

I was really surprised when I heard Chris was gonna be in this game, I thought his move set was going to be just stupid but when I saw the gameplay and I was really impressed they made it work, he is definitely one of my favourites in the MvC3 line up.

5. Batman (Mortal Kombat vs DC universe)

Batman is awesome, therefor he is on the list.

4. Heihachi (Soul Calibur II)

When someone says Soul Calibur I think of 3 things, 1. weapons 2.ridiculously over sized breasts and 3. feature characters and Soul Calibur II was the one that did this best. Depending on what platform you got the game on, you would get a feature character, for the PS2 you would get Heihachi, for the XBOX you would get Spawn and for the Gamecube you would get Link, I thought that this was a pretty good idea and there was one weird thing in the game, why do Yoshimitsu and Heihachi talk english? wikepedia said "This is the first game that Heihachi and Yoshimitsu speak english" that is messed up.

3. Snake (Super Smash Bros Brawl)

Super Smash Bros is an epic game, I was really looking forward to next installment to the smash bros series, but when I heard Snake was in it I freakin lost it, snake is one of my all time favourite characters in gaming coming about 7 with these 2 beating him to the top.

2. Link (Soul Calibur II)

The legend of Zelda: ocarina of time was one of the first games I played and is still one of my favourites from my childhood, along with Crash Bandicoot. Link is actually really good in SC2 for one cheating move, the boomerang, once you hit someone with this from afar they will never be able to get back up, just keep throwing it every time they try to get up and they will always get hit back down until there life finally drops.

Well you guys probably aren't expecting this one but here it is, my number one favoutite feature character in fighting games is...

1. Amaterasu (Marvel vs Capcom 3)

Even though this game isn't realesed yet, she is still my favourite character, wait a second of topic question, is amaterasu a girl? some people say she is but I don't know, can someone tell me after if they know. Anyway back to the point, he/she is my 3rd favourite character of all time and to her/him appear in Marvel vs Capcom 3 is just awesome, nut thats not to say that i'm not looking forward to any other characters appear in Marvel vs Capcom 3 apart from the the only three or four on my list, i'm really looking forward to see Dante finally in one, M.O.D.O.K looked pretty cool iswell and viewtiful joe looked simply awesome.

I've been sitting here for about 3 hours typing this out and i'm not kidding, do I think I deserve a break for a while, i'll be back on later to comment on the rest of the blogs I didn't get to, sorry about the delay of the blog, my schedule is getting pretty heavy, i've got alot of interviews going on regarding high school, so i'm sorry if this blog seemed rushed, but look on the bright side, at least i'm finding time to come on :D alright see all around.


My recent purchases and when the next countdowns are...

My newest games aren't from this week or last week, in fact my newest games (by choice) are from at least a few moths ago, but I found interest in every one of my purchases, so it's not because I can't afford new games :P


I actually just bought this one about an hour ago, I didn't play it before I got it and it got mixed reviews so I didn't know what to expect, but when I played it I thought it was awesome and i'm really getting into it. But there is one reason why I love Borderlands so much, the reason is that you can sprint and reload, that should be in every game :D

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

Definitely one of the best exclusives for the PS3. I played Uncharted 2 so much when I first rented it from the video store but I never got around to buying it, but I finally did, The hardest bit is definitely the puzzle solving, especially that room where the arrangement of the statues are different in every game, do you know why the developers did that? because they knew we would look online for help.

BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (limited edition)

I would of got The sequel but I wanted this more, anyway the limited edition came with the game and the arcade controller, the arcade controller was the best when I used it in Tekken 6 but it was hard to use on Blazblue, I am awesome at it with the normal controller though and I just finished the story.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

I had this game for the PC a while ago but it stopped working so I got it for the PS3 :D My account is so low right now, but i'm gonna keep playing till i'm at least a few levels higher.

Hysteria Project

Ok before you say anything please let me talk first and explain why I own this game, I had $3.00 left on my account so I took a look at the minis to see what game I could find on the store, the only one that looked good that I could get was Hysteria Project, then I played the game... it was terrible.

Crash Bandicoot 3

I already have this game for the original Playstation but since I don't own one or a PS2 I decided to get it for the PS3, I played it for a full day straight and I got all the crystals and bet the game, but I can't seem to get all the relics it's really hard, I have 21 right now, but I need 25 to see what happens after you bet the final level.

That pretty much does it for my Purchases but now to move on, to say when the countdowns are and why there so late. I didn't have any real spare time this week to do any blogs, so I tried to do a quick one every now and then but I didn't have time to do that! I managed to comment on some blogs, but thats about it. I'll be off gamespot for the next 2 days but i'll comment and all of that tomorrow morning and i'll do my Top 10 feature characters in fighting games when I comeback, butafter that day i'm back at school so I won't be on as often as I was. see you all later


I sad now...

I recently just found dome old games for my PC, these games were:

Sim City 2000

Redneck Rampage



and Stonekeep

Well guess what happened when I tried to play Stonekeep, it wouldn't instal, guess what happened when I tried to play Redneck Rampage, it wouldn't start (It even installed!), guess what happened when I S.C.A.R.S, it wouldn't respond! I have been sitting here for the last 2 hours trying to install all of these games. I just got Sim City and Headrush to work, so i'm sorta not as sad, well it's still bad considering I loved stonekeep (believe it or not) as a child, since it was one of the first PC games I played. Well i'm going to play sim city now, cya


On hold...

Sorry guys but I have to put the next 2 countdowns on hold for now, I have family coming in today and i'm kinda busy so I'll try to do one tomorrow, but if I can't then you understand. Thanks guys and quite possibly girls.


Top 10 games that shouldn't of had a movie

It's time for my new lists and I really hope they all go well, ok before I say anything else I just need to explain something, there are 2 movies on here that I haven't actually seen but from what I heard about them and from just the idea of it there on the list, so don't hate if I get a few things wrong from some movies. About half the movies on this list are bad movies but the other half are on here for the reason they didn't follow the story of the game almost at all, so it's time to start this list and were gonna kick this off with a movie I only saw the half of.

10. Double Dragon

First of all they don't even look like the guys of Double Dragon, the guy on the left looks like Lee off Tekken just with brown hair and the guy on the left looks like Daniel off the Karate kid and he doesn't have blonde hair like he should, I only saw the opening and a bit of the actual movie and I gotta say the already screwed up, I was only like 40 mins into the movie and I turned it off, now the reason this is number 10 is because i've actually never played Double Dragon so I don't know how this compares to the to the game, but the movie sucks so it's on here.

9. Silent Hill

Well I wasn't expecting much from this movie but I was expecting it to be scary like the director said, Christophe Gans the director of the film said he was proud of the film, I thought it was ok but nothing great, it did have that airy feeling like in the Silent Hill games but sometimes I just didn't believe it was based off the game.

8. Animal Crossing

Kinda self explanatory.

7. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

Ok this movie wasn't bad, infact it was pretty good, but the reason it's on here is for one thing, it didn't freakin follow the STORY! Dastan was meant to find the dagger in the temple were it all started off, but he found it somewhere else I can't remember, they didn't even get the first scene right. if they make a sequel then they better not screw it up and follow the actual game.

6. Street Fighter: the legend of chun li

It was simply amazing that they screwed up street fighter even more than the 1994 movie, why did they even bother releasing this film, it was nothing like street fighter in any way, the only reason I thought it was even remotely close to Street Fighter was because of the the names, if the film didn't have the names of the characters they could have called it any other film.

5. Doom

I didn't mind this movie, but like SF:the legend of Chun Li and Prince of Persia, it had almost nothing to do with the movie it was pretty much 2 hours of sarcasm and cheap scares. The onlyscene that I really liked was the FPS scene, that was awesome.

4. Mortal Kombat 2: Annihilation

Only the second movie out of the two deserved to be on here, this movie sucked beyond belief, it featured some of the worst lines in acting history and to top it all off my favourite character Raiden looked like a total retard This movie was a waste of $2.99, I thought this movie was gonna be good considering how much I loved MK at the time, but I was painfully mistaken. Now the only question left is, what 3 films could top that?

3. Alone in the dark

Sorry I couldn't find a better picture but this was about it, anyway I only saw about 5 minutes of this movie and it was enough to get on this list, I was gonna give it the 7. spot but Rotten Tomatoes gave it a score of 1/100 so I think it should get at least the 3. spot, I can't really say alot about the film since I stopped watching it after the first scene of the movie, and have you guys noticed my reviews are getting slightly shorter as I go on :P

2. Super Mario Bros

You guys knew this would on the list, I have so many flaws with this movie, and the first one is, why is Bowser a human! that is the dumbest idea I have ever heard of anyone come up with and secondly, why are the goombas like 8 feet tall? this movie makes no sense, they should of just stuck with the cartoon and made this movie a animation, but no they had to take a chance and ruin my childhood, if I were Bob Hoskins I would of ended my acting career right then and there.

And my number 1 Game that shouldn't of had a movie is...

1. Tekken

I bet you never saw this coming, but Tekken is my favourite franchise of all time and then they ruined everything by bringing out this movie, I hated it, Why a Jin and Christie a couple!? Why isn't King in it!? Why did Kazuya have a mustache!? why? why? WHY? I felt robbed when I walked out of the theatre when I saw this, not robbed of my money, the movie robbed my soul :cry: it was just cruel that they ruined Tekken like this. Thank god Eddy was in it.

New countdown ideas...

I've been wanting to do another countdown for a while now. For me it's hard to find subjects on countdowns, so what I did is whenever I would find an idea for one I would write it on a list, I have alot but these are the 3 I want to do:

1. Top 6 Best all time dancers

2. Top 10 (or 5) feature characters in fighting games

3. Top 10 games that shouldn't of had a movie

Tomorrow is free so i'll do the first one then. Sorry that I couldn't comment on all of your blogs recently, i've had alot of things to do over the week. Alright guys see ya soon.


A new member

Alright I don't want to be annoying but, another one of my friends has joined on Gamespot and like last time could you track him, well you don't have to but it would be nice :D thanks people. His name is BumleHAM :P


I found something to live for...

I was recently looking at some of AVGN's videos, when I saw that he had a movie coming out! now for those of you who don't know who The Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) is then you should really take a look at some of his videos (I'll link you to them after) He reviews games from like the 90's and 80's, He is definitelyone of my favourite video makers and to hear that he has plans for a movie and for it to be released in theaters is mind blowing for me, so take a look at his videos and i'll link you to the movie plans video. He also does other things than review games, he does movie reviews, board games :P and is part of the awesome Screwattack team, thanks and see you soon

Future Plans - AVGN:The Movie

Angry Video Game Nerd



A new favourite...

I've been playing the original MK alot lately, but ever since I heard of it's rival Killer Instinct, I've been wanting to play it. So I looked around on softpedia and found this.

Now this is probably my favourite fighting game at the moment and I really want a super nintendo now, You should really download this game since it;s only like 10mb. That is all