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sam_fisher_lock Blog

Online vs Multiplayer: What do you prefer?

I have previously done a thread on this, and local multiplayer won by miles, I want to see who actually prefers what and see what everyone thinks on each ****of gameplay. They both have their strong points and there flaws, but lets see whats better. I'm your friend Sam_Fisher_Lock giving you, Online vs Multiplayer.


Main Point

> Let's start this off by saying almost all of us play online and some more than others, it's fun to kill people you don't know and meet up with friends without resulting to visiting, but there are flaws with online like noobs who don't know what there doing and other people who are just **** all together. Developers thought even the idea of playing with other people around the world was just amazing and it was, so getting started with online was an amazingexperience... until we hit the flaws.

The Bad

> Heres one we can all relate to, noobs who swear alot, I mean just cause your losing doesn't mean you need to start a f*** storm.

> Another one is, Team Killers, oh man this makes me so mad when you're just trying to have a good match and then all of sudden you just get shot at, by who you ask yourself, and you look at the screen and it turns out he/she is on your team.

> Quitters, they make it impossible to have a good game, I can understand if it is for something important and you have to leave, but its when they quit and you see they are still playing online is when it gets annoying.

> People who abuse glitches online, this one is pretty selfexplanatory.

> The list has more but I need to continue, but to end with i'm choosing bad team members, if your bad at the game then why bother playing online in the first place, your just gonna lose and whats worst is that your going to fail with them if its a game where need good team members.

The Good

> Meeting other good gamers, that one explains itself also.

> Good teamgames, with computer characters playing you can't really have a good game, but playing with other people actually gives you a challenge and the best team games.

I don't want to sound mean but thats all I can find that I actually like about Online Gaming, well don't hate on me for that because I do enjoy it :D

You know there are alot of games good with online and those stand out to me, my favourite games online would definitelybe

> Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

> Marvel vs Capcom 2

> Killzone 2

> Halo 3

> Gears of War 2

> Resident Evil 5


Main Point

>Playing games with other people is cool and is something ill always enjoy unless the friend is a dick playing the game, it's always more fun playing with a friend or a family member than sitting by your self (depending on what the game is). I must say there wasn't to many flaws I could find with multiplayer.

The Bad

> Screen peeking, I know some people can't help it oraccidentally see it, so you can't blame people for that, but it's when they use it to their advantage is when you turn into a real a**

> Friends doing moves outside the game to ruin your chance of winning, (only some friends do this... I think) what I mean is doing things like stealing your controller or blocking your view, it's even funnier when you beat them and their doing that.

The Good

> Pretty much everything is cool when playing with a friend and there are only minor flaws which are the ones I just named before, and I don't want to sound lazy but I really can't think of any right now, there are so many good things about multiplayer that I can't even think of any, so let me just move on from this point and let me do the next

Playing with friends is always fun and no one can just disagree with that, we all get into fights at times with people online and it usually starts from nothing, but with multiplayer unless your friends a d*** or just sucks, you almost never get into a fight.

Overall Winner

> It all came down to which had the most flaws and I think this battle for me personally would go to


Alot of you probably think I got lazy towards the end of this but thats just me so don't get mad and don't go posting your hate mail, but I would like to know what you prefer


I recently bought an Atari 2600 off my friendso thanks for that :P it plays perfectly and I feel awesome with it sitting next to my other consoles, @SSJ5Sojahn thanks man

See you all next time :D

GRS #2: Soul Calibur IV

Time to revisit my old friend Soul Calibur IV, wow I had alot of fun with this game when I bought it and I still do... sometimes, it really got repudiative and I think it is finally time to adress that, it's time to revisit the goods, the bads and play soul calibur IV. Lets get started


When I think of Soul Calibur, I think of weapons and that is exactly what you get in this game, swords, poles, dual knifes, chains and even swords that turn into chains! The fighting isn't over the top and it is pretty slow at times, I do enjoy the Critical Finishes that have just recently been added to the game, it gets ridiculously hard when you get to the later levels of the story, even when your on the normal setting sometimes, this really put me off the game and namco really should work on that when they make SC games in the future. Your best chance to survive is if you use a small fast character such as Taki or someone along those lines, big characters such as Astaroth usually have no chance at all against someone smaller and faster, unless of course the computer is using him -___-

Gameplay- 7/10


Soul Calibur's story is about 2 swords Soul Edge and Soul Calibur and each character has there own storie on trying to obtain it, I don't want to sound lazy here but I can't remember any more to the story then what I got here but I played it recently and that was pretty much the whole story from what I heard and read, apart from different endings theres not much more to say but I did enjoy seeing some of the character videos

Story- 7.5/10


This is were I feel this game is the strongest, the graphics are very good and I think they could be mistaken for 2010 graphics by quite a few people, the detail in the faces, light reflecting off the metal and everything else. I was in shock the first time I saw the graphics on this game because I didn't really expect much, well I was wrong to do so

Graphics- 9.2/10


There isn't much to say about the music, it's your straight forward fighting game music, thats another thing I like about this game, it's music isn't to slow or bland or to fast paced and lame. Well I can't really say much more, but it is alright and nothing that will put you off the game.

Music- 8/20

I'll sometimes go back and play it but it isn't a game that i'll jump to first

Overall- 7.9/10

GRS #1: Mirrors Edge

It's time to make a comeback, well I did say I was going to make a Top 15 fighting games but I think that can wait till I have enough time, I thought I would just do something now till I get enough time to work on my top 15. GRS stands for 'Game Revisit Series' where I review a game from 2008 down, well time to start.


The gameplay in Mirrors Edge is definitely unique, it plays like no other FPS, the whole idea is to find things out then get out. Your not meant to focus on combat since you're opponents are always armed and the only way to get a yourself is to take from enemy, but when you do have a gun don't waste since you often only have a few bullets left, hand to hand combat sucks by the way because when there is one opponent there is about 12 following him. Mirrors Edge is one of the most fun experience's i've had playing games, there are many questions to be answered and it's worth finding them out, there are nine chapters, each one unique in its own way and there are certainly bits where you want to just throw the controller away in rage, but if you preserver it will be worth it when you finally see what happens at the end.

Gameplay- 9/10


The story behind mirrors edge is also one to be remembered, I won't explain the whole story because you'll be reading all night and I don;t want ruin it all for the people who are thinking about purchasing it, but it paints a picture in you're mind and really makes you want to know what's gonna happen next, there are 1 or 2 plot twists and it really starts to get heated near the end.

Story- 8/10


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The Graphics are stunning for 2008, it blew me away when I first jumped into gameplay, it had something that most games miss these days and thats colour, the detail in the characters didn't really move me apart from faiths, but everything else is a step forward for EA, there is one rule we learned from Mirrors Edge and thats look for the red objects.

Graphics- 9/10


This is the closets picture I could find to music on mirrors edge, anyway the music on Mirrors Edge is nothing really soothing to the ears but it isn't exactly bad if you enjoy deep repudiative music, but I do like the theme song 'still alive' and the music on chapter 9.

Music- 5.0/10

Overall it's a good game and it is a very good addition to you're collection of FPS games, even though you're not meant to shoot.

Overall- 8.5/10

Im back! (update)

Hello there friends, so as you know I had to leave for a week and a half till my internet would renew so i'm here to let you all know, well... i'm back. I came to realize that alot of you own a PS3 now and don't have any of your id's (except XDXDXDXDXDXDXD's) so I want to add you all my friends page so if you own a PS3 leave your id, unless you hate me -__-

Moving on, I plain to make a new list soon, entitled Top 15 fighting game characters, and will start on that list shortly, i've thought up half the list and a few are from one of my favourite games EVER, Marvel vs Capcom 2, I loved this game on the dreamcast and a few days ago I purchased it on Playstation Store, it defines epic, but online is to hard, you've got to be a bloody magician to win once

Well i'm starting to ramble so i'm gonna rap it up here and say stay tuned to my new list and wish you all the best :D


Well i've been gone these past few days because my internet is very very slow right now, ill be back on the 9th of july when it gets back to its normal faster speed. But till then, bye :)

5 announcements I want at the next E3

Well hello there my people of the internet, after the major announcements at E3 2010, I started to think about what did I really wanted to see at E3, so then I thought why not make a list on it, cause to be honest there was alot more I wanted to see from everyone. This is my list on the 5 announcements I want at the next E3, now I may have a few games or suggestions you think is out of the question or stupid, but don't be a hater or leave rude comments cause if you do, it's quite possible your a total douche muffin. If one of my requests was in E3 and I missed it then don't go on about it and just point it out, Thanks. Well here ya go!

Mirror's Edge 2 updates

I love mirror's edge, I love it's story, it's gameplay, it's graphics and it's originality. Sooo... wheres the sequel? I've heard rumors that EA is considering it, and some even say it's in devlopment, but I heard nothing on it at E3 and I am really dying to see the new game. If would hurry up and make the game I bet they would be making a whole lot of money. Some may say mirror's edge was to hard, I say it was to awesome :)

A NEW Ratchet and clank game

Not since October last year has Ratchet and clank been on a new adventure, and to be honest i'm a little glad, I think they have been slowly getting worse each game since size matters. Some of you may disagree but I think there is still a chance for them to come up with one more outstanding game like they did 6 years ago with ratchet and clank 3 and I did think a crack in time was a good game, only if they could make them better like they did with that one.

A NEW crash bandicoot game

Crash Bandicoot is probably one of top 5 favourite series of all time, I own all of the original PS1 games and Twinsanity and Nitro kart for the PS2, but do you know why I don't own any of the new ones? cause for starters they changed all of the apperances of the characters and they made Cortex's head round, ROUND! The new games don't keep the original gameplay and the awesome levels and they replaced the warp rooms with just levels and lame free-roaming. So may be asking yourself "why does he want another one then?" well thats a good question that can be answered like this, I think that Crash Bandicoot is not entierly dead yet, There is a 2 out of 10 chance that they will make a new good game and that it will be like the originals, so I want to take that bet and see if they will come to there sense's.

PS2 games for purchase on the playstation store

Well this one is pretty self explanatory.

Beat up Jack Thompson game

Douche muffin... that would be the best game ever, why? because everyone, I repeat EVERYONE, hate jack thompson if your only concern in the world is video games, then there is seriously something wrong with you

Thats my list, stay tuned :)

6 reasons why console gaming is better than PC gaming

Well its time to make a comeback, and what better way to do it. Im going to show you the reasons why I find console gaming better than PC gaming, now this list wasn't made to make anyone mad, its only my opinion and how does that effect how or what you play, but if you might be offended, don't look or just don't leave a comment. Well this is my 6 reasons why I prefer console gaming to PC gaming, enjoy...


I hate viruses, ever since we got the virus in our computer and had to get it repaired. You have to be so careful with what you put on your computer, and thats something you don't need to worry about with consoles. Downloading a demo or a game on the playstation store, wii ware or xbox live arcade is so easy, theres no worries and its right there in front of you. Now with the computer theres files with viruses in them and once you got them you're screwed .

TV > Computer screen

Playing on a TV is awesome, cause its so clear and with HDD it defines the term, The Sh*t. Playing on a computer screen is cool to, its clear but only with a nice screen and up to date graphics. But I will admit playing F.E.A.R 2 on the PC was a hell of alot more scarier then playing on a TV, cause on a PC the scariness is right in your FACE!

Most PC gamers think there the sh*t

My main problem with PC gamers in online gaming is that they think there just the best in the whole world and deserve every slice of cake on the planet, well your not, there I said it, go on complain, I dare you, I DOUBLE DARE YOU MOTHER F------... Wait so were was I? oh yeah, I don't think every PC gamer is like this but most of them are.


I hate this about PC gaming. Just look at this sh*t ^^^. With a console you just grab the disk, put it in and start playing easy as that. The only question I could answer on that picture is the keyboard one, which brings me to.

The keyboard is not meant for games

Look the controller was made for games and the keyboard wasn't. I played prince of persia T2T on PC a while back and the controls were the hardest most ridiculous button combinations I've ever saw in my life, then the next week I tried it on the PS2 and it was so much smoother and you weren't having to use your finger for every button on the controller.

The big finale...

Local Multiplayer

What more can I say? playing with friends is just more fun, and thats something PC doesn't have.

Well that raps up the list this time, be sure to stay tuned :)

Finally... Lock has returned to Gamespot!

Well boys and girls, it has been a long time since stepping back in the gamespot ring. I have been very busy lately with other things and have not been able to get on a new internet plan for a while, it has been months since my last blog post and I am here to tell you that I will be back on once I get up to date and change my avatar from the G to something awesome

P.S. I am awesome...

P.S.S. Why do I have no messages in my inbox? I don't think anyone likes me :(

Games of the years

Well i've been wanting to do a blog like this for quite some time now, and i've finally gotten around to it! There are no rules to being on this list, it just had to be one of the games that stood out the most out of every game in that year. Now I say, lets get started... But hold on! By the end of the list im gonna name a few other things, so you might be reading a few things and also im going by when the game was first released, so if your in america and you didn't get it that year, then Japan probably did.

1985: Super Mario Bros

1986: The Legend Of Zelda


1987: Metal gear

Mega Man

1988: Super Mario Bros 3

Mega Man 2

The Legend Of Zelda II

1989: Prince Of Persia

1990: Metal Gear 2

Super Mario World

1991: Sonic The Hedgehog

Street Fighter II

Final Fantasy IV

1992: Mortal Kombat

Wolfenstein 3D

1993: Doom

Star Fox

1994: Super Metroid

Doom II

Mortal Kombat

Donkey Kong Country

1995: Super Mario World 2

1996: Super Mario 64

Tekken II

Crash Bandicoot


1997: Golden Eye 007

Castlevania SOTN - Diablo

1998: Mega Man X4

Tekken 3

Resident Evil 2


1999: Silent Hill

Super Smash Bros

Soul Calibur

Sonic Adventure

2000: The Sims

The Lenend Of Zelda: Majoras Mask

2001: Devil May Cry

Grand Theft Auto III

Halo Combat Evolved

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Librety

Silent hill 2

2002: Rachet And Clank

Metroid Prome

Jet Set Radio Future

2003: Vietiful Joe

Devil May Cry 2

2004: Doom 3

Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes

Halo 2

Jak 3

Half Life 2

2005: Devil May Cry 3: DA

God Of War

Shadow Of The Colossus

Tekken 5

Resident Evil 4

2006: New Super Mario Bros

2007: Bioshock


Mass Effect

Assassins Creed

Kane And Lynch: Dead Men

Super Mario Galaxy

2008: Grand Theft Auto IV

Metal Gear Solid 4

Super Smash Bros Brawl

Rock Band 2

2009: Street Fighter IV

Assassins Creed II

The Sims 3

Killzone 2

Bioshock 2

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Games I need to buy: Final Fantasy XIII (I've played it)

Most anticipated game: Doom 4 - Splinter Cell Conviction

Favourite game: MGS 4: Guns Of Patriots

Favourite Year in Gaming: 2001 - 2009

Favourite Console: PS3

100% part 1: Mario vs Donkey Kong - GBA

Welcome to 100% part 1, Today I finally got 100% on Mario vs Donkey Kong for the gameboy advance. Today ill share with you what happened throught the game and things I found or secrets I discoverd, im sorry if I miss spell words im typing very fast as I am in a hurry.

Here We Go!

If you own a GBA and don't own this game or let alone play it, chances are you hate a challenge, This game could be more fustrating at times than Devil May Cry 3 on the Dante must die setting,so if you like your GBA or DS don't play this game, cause believe me if you can't handle the stress of not knowing what to do for 2 months or getting your @$$ handed to you by Donkey Kong over and OVER and OVER! again, something in your house is going to break, if its your game cartridge or your wifes pearl necklace it doesn't matter, some way you gotta reach the end, alright lets start with the worlds.

Worlds 1-6

It actually took me a while to get through all 6 worlds without help, there were some real hard puzzles in the levels, espicially in worlds 5 and 6. To be honest I must of been stuck on world 5 for at least a 2 or 3 hours, that includes getting presents and getting high scores plus that donkey c*ck sucker end boss. World 6 wasn't as hard but still held up a lot of challenges, and then theres the world 6 boss and after you beat him you have the final boss which is DONKEY KONG!! and it took a couple of lives to beat him too. But just when you think it is all over you see the end video and the end credits but... after that you see donkey kong get back up and he looks at the toys still standing around, he must be thinking in his head"hmm... maybe I should try stealing them again and I might get away!" and what was I thinking when I saw that happen "SH*T!"

Plus Worlds 1-6

Well nothing really changed in the plus worlds, the main thing was that there was only one part to the stage and that you collect the mini on the way and your objective is to get both you and the mini to the key hole, since he holds the key now.

Another difference is that there are only 7 levels now instead of the normal 8. Thats pretty much it for the plus worlds.

Final Battle

I apologize that I couldn't get a proper screenshot of the battle but I think this is better in many more ways than one. But after beating all the plus words mario finally beats donkey kong one last time, now you need to go back and get all the remaining presents and then you will unlock the expert levels, but you don't beat them one after another, you unlock them by getting certain high scores.

Items, Features and Enemies

There are not many features and items as other mario games but hey did you notice that when you fought donkey kong in world 6, anyway here they are

Features and Items

Key, Mini-Mario, Spring, Switch, Conveyer Belt, Direction Switch, Elavator, Moving Platform, Wire, Garbage Can, Hammer, Present, Letters, Toy Box


Shy Guy, Boo, Sir Shovalot, Bob-omb, Ram Ram, Monchee, Garbage Can, Oil, Fire, Ninji, Plant, Nitpicker, Klaptrap, Thwomp Block, Thowmp, Thwimp, Boo Guy

Well that does it for me, I have to go or im going to be late for work, Cya =)