I have previously done a thread on this, and local multiplayer won by miles, I want to see who actually prefers what and see what everyone thinks on each ****of gameplay. They both have their strong points and there flaws, but lets see whats better. I'm your friend Sam_Fisher_Lock giving you, Online vs Multiplayer.
Main Point
> Let's start this off by saying almost all of us play online and some more than others, it's fun to kill people you don't know and meet up with friends without resulting to visiting, but there are flaws with online like noobs who don't know what there doing and other people who are just **** all together. Developers thought even the idea of playing with other people around the world was just amazing and it was, so getting started with online was an amazingexperience... until we hit the flaws.
The Bad
> Heres one we can all relate to, noobs who swear alot, I mean just cause your losing doesn't mean you need to start a f*** storm.
> Another one is, Team Killers, oh man this makes me so mad when you're just trying to have a good match and then all of sudden you just get shot at, by who you ask yourself, and you look at the screen and it turns out he/she is on your team.
> Quitters, they make it impossible to have a good game, I can understand if it is for something important and you have to leave, but its when they quit and you see they are still playing online is when it gets annoying.
> People who abuse glitches online, this one is pretty selfexplanatory.
> The list has more but I need to continue, but to end with i'm choosing bad team members, if your bad at the game then why bother playing online in the first place, your just gonna lose and whats worst is that your going to fail with them if its a game where need good team members.
The Good
> Meeting other good gamers, that one explains itself also.
> Good teamgames, with computer characters playing you can't really have a good game, but playing with other people actually gives you a challenge and the best team games.
I don't want to sound mean but thats all I can find that I actually like about Online Gaming, well don't hate on me for that because I do enjoy it :D
You know there are alot of games good with online and those stand out to me, my favourite games online would definitelybe
> Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
> Marvel vs Capcom 2
> Killzone 2
> Halo 3
> Gears of War 2
> Resident Evil 5
Main Point
>Playing games with other people is cool and is something ill always enjoy unless the friend is a dick playing the game, it's always more fun playing with a friend or a family member than sitting by your self (depending on what the game is). I must say there wasn't to many flaws I could find with multiplayer.
The Bad
> Screen peeking, I know some people can't help it oraccidentally see it, so you can't blame people for that, but it's when they use it to their advantage is when you turn into a real a**
> Friends doing moves outside the game to ruin your chance of winning, (only some friends do this... I think) what I mean is doing things like stealing your controller or blocking your view, it's even funnier when you beat them and their doing that.
The Good
> Pretty much everything is cool when playing with a friend and there are only minor flaws which are the ones I just named before, and I don't want to sound lazy but I really can't think of any right now, there are so many good things about multiplayer that I can't even think of any, so let me just move on from this point and let me do the next
Playing with friends is always fun and no one can just disagree with that, we all get into fights at times with people online and it usually starts from nothing, but with multiplayer unless your friends a d*** or just sucks, you almost never get into a fight.
Overall Winner
> It all came down to which had the most flaws and I think this battle for me personally would go to
Alot of you probably think I got lazy towards the end of this but thats just me so don't get mad and don't go posting your hate mail, but I would like to know what you prefer
I recently bought an Atari 2600 off my friendso thanks for that :P it plays perfectly and I feel awesome with it sitting next to my other consoles, @SSJ5Sojahn thanks man
See you all next time :D
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