I've been learning German for 4 years and from what I've learnt it's just different dialect, Different countries speaking German speak it differently, Just like English. I'm from England and i'm assuming you're American, we both speak English, just with variations on words etc, it's still essentially the same language so we'd be able to converse easily but not understand a few words here and there since it's a local word or what have you. My very basic, poorly written explanation =)
The two most annoying things people do when they're driving in my opinion: Not Indicating; This one really pisses me off, It's not like it's hard to move your hand about an inch to make driving that much safer! the second thing is when you see dumb bimbos driving around with their rear view mirror turned right around so they can see themselves.....seriously, it's kind of pathetic. Anywho, what annoys you on the road?
When I'm going out into the city at night I'm often packing my Muela combat knife, just keep it on my belt. My jacket's long enough to cover it so if someone tries to mug me there's a nasty surprise waiting for them.
I'm a bit confused as to what you call grocery stores in America, are they like supermarkets or are they like what we call a dairy here, the sort of place you'd go to if you wanted to pick up a newspaper, a can of coke and some smokes?
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