I went onto craigslist.com yesterday and within an hour or so of searching around I found someone around 15 minutes away from where I live. He sold me his N64 with two games, 3 controllers, rumble pack, and all the cables for $30. Everything works perfect. Try checking craigslist out.
scass319's forum posts
So i've looked on websites and it tells me to grapple my opponent when my meter says SPECIAL and then to move the analog stick around. I do that and nothing happends, he just stands there in the grappling position. What am I doing wrong?!
I hope i'm posting this in the right section. I want a Nintendo 64! I'd love to go back and playing the following:
- Mario 64
- Mario Kart
- Golden Eye
- WWF No Mercy
- ZELDA (Never actually played it so i'd love to be able to see what the hype was about!)
I own a PS3 and love it. But, i'm an all around gamer so I can really play anything and as long as it's fun I can play. Just recently kids started bringing there Gameboy Colors back into school and are playing the original Pokemon Blue and Red games! I'm a Senior in high school and replaying this game brings back a lot of memories, plus it's really addicting!
My question is, what's the easiest way I can get my hands on an N64 and the games mentioned above? I've checked Ebay and saw some selling there and they were relatively cheap. I feel like the games may be a little harder to find. I'd also much rather get a system that's maybe been refurbished since the console is so old now, i'd rather not buy it directly from an owner if I don't have to only because there may be many things wrong with it. So my question is, are there any shops that anyone knows of that sells old systems/games? Even if their refurbed it doesn't matter to me, atleast that means they've been looked at and repaired. I live in New Jersey if that helps out at all...thanks for the help!
Thanks guys. At this point I may just replay it and beat it and then play the expansions for it cause' I never did get around to playing them.
Has anyone heard anything about a new GTA in the works? I got GTA when it first dropped for the PS3 a couple years ago and I beat it within weeks. Since then, I hadn't played it and wound up selling it. I was just thinking about GTA: San Andreas and how much fun I used to have playing that on my PS2 and now I'm in the mood for a GTA game. Should I go and pick this one up again, or has anyone heard any news about when the next installment will be coming out? Thanks!
Are their any ARMY games that specifically relate just to the Army? I know that games such as Call of Duty you switch between like Marines and stuff like that, but I'm looking for an Army based game. If not, that's okay, but would you guys reccommend any other military games BESIDES Call of Duty? If I have to resort to COD I will, it's just that i've played them so much and beat MW1 and 2...haven't played Black Ops yyet. Just looking for something new. But, if Black Ops is the best military game out there, just post so. If you think that MW2 was better, or if their is another game that is better, let me know. THANKS IN ADVANCE!
God of War series, cuz Demon's Souls could make you break your PS3 depending on your tempre management. Jbller3Hahaha. Yeah, I read about that in the review. Heard it's a great game, but probably one of the hardest on the PS3 to date.
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