@Pyrosa: Exactly what I was thinking. The scene in Johnny Mnemonic where he's "hacking" through web security defenses using a VR helmet may be cool looking, but so very silly. Hacking on the web does not look ANYTHING like Klax. Lol
@itchyflop: I'll need to look at the settings in my console to be sure, but I don't think there is a way to disable or control the purchase of micro transactions specifically. I do believe, however, there is a setting either in the PlayStation store or the PS4 console itself where you would have to put in your PSN password each time you tried to purchase anything from the store. Another way is to not put in credit card information into the store at all and I use PSN credits (cards or electronic) that can be bought in almost any retail store.
@soldierofAthens: "only a certain idealist group runs America and only want's to further there agenda". You hit the nail right on the head with that one. It is happening on BOTH sides however. Nothing can get done in this country because the 2 major parties can't get enough of their god damned pissing contest. Video games are not the problem, guns are not the problem. THE COUNTRY NEEDS A BETTER MENTAL HEALTH CARE PLAN.
@Bread_or_Decide: Your first sentence isn't true, MOST games allow for however many save slots the memory can handle. The number of save slots I feel I need to use is really up to me not you or anyone else. I follow the industry really closely, and I know when the title of a game has the word "online" attached to it, you're going to be paying for every little thing under their virtual sun. So, I didn't know that particular game charged for save slots, but it doesn't surprise me (still a fucked up thing to do either way). If gamers start tolerating crap like this in a predominantly single player game, they won't stop taking advantage and start charging real money for other minute things.
I should have watched Angry Joe's rant before reading this. Charging for another save file?!?!?! That is bullshit, and I'm being serious when I say this, anyone who bought this crap should go get their money back for that reason alone. It's unacceptable. This truly makes me not want to EVER buy anything from Konami again.
@sellingthings: Oh, no no I know what you were saying and you're right. I was just conveying how happy I am with my setup despite not having the better performing equipment installed. I don't even have the better 1050 TI card in my system by the way, it's the vanilla 1050, and it's still whoopin' ass in the performance department!
@sellingthings: It has been a GREAT setup. Plays even there most demanding games after high settings with no hiccups. I've been really happy with this thing. I agree the I7 is way overkill, it wasn't much more to upgrade to it so I said why not. It's possible to install an SSD in it. It doesn't come with the bracket for the SSD, but you can order it from Acer for free (which I did). I will be upgrading the RAM in it at some point though. 8GB is fine, but I'd like more wiggle room.
@sellingthings: I've been against gaming laptops for a really long time up until recently. They finally have the power needed to run modern games at great quality for a very good price. Just bought an Acer VX-15 last year with a GTX 1050 in it, and it's been fantastic. It can run any game out there with high settings.
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