@mhfon: Murray has said that there could be a possibility to bring it to the Xbox platform. I really think it all depends on how well it sells. In my opinion, I think they'll eventually bring it to the X1.
If they suddenly got rid of achievements and trophies tomorrow I honestly couldn't care less. Why that silliness got so important to so many gamers is beyond me. If that's the reason they don't want to enable console commands on the PS4 and X1, then that really sucks. I'll need to see what their reasoning was though, the one that bigrob said made no sense. Off to google I go.
@franklucito: Yup, I definitely need to watch the anime again. It's weird how you can sometimes forget almost everything about a movie you truly enjoyed. Quite honestly, I think "whitewashing" is just another trigger word for easily offended people to have a reason to be pissed at Hollywood. Yeah, Gods of Egypt had nothing but white actors in it, but it's a big budget Hollywood fantasy movie based in absolutely no historical facts. We should be more offended at how utterly awful it was, not the casting choices. Although it is pretty blatant ( I mean come on EGYPT in the title and not an Egytian actor in sight!), and it looks REALLY bad, I'm not going to accuse the film makers of being racist just because of the casting choices. They want actors that are in step with their target audience. I'll only accuse them of greed ( I guess), they want the thing that will make them the most money, and popular actors and actresses do that. Now if a studio casts Scarlett Johansson into a Harriet Tubman role, THAT is a problem.
I don't think "whitewashing" is the correct term here. It's a Hollywood movie, and they want an actress that will put butts in theater seats. Johansson is a very good, very well known actress. With this movie it's kind of damned if you do damned if you don't anyway. Had they cast a Japanese/Asian actress for the roll, everyone would be bitching that they had the "audacity" to make the movie in the first place.
Having said that, I am pretty vexed as to why they would cast a caucasian to play a character that originally has a Japanese name. Does the Major have a backstory of any kind? I never read the Manga, and it's been awhile since I've seen the anime (I'll need to watch it again soon). The only thing I can see that would make any sense, is to make her parents an interracial couple to explain why she has a Japanese name.
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