@quis89: I even liked how they had a few different groups in Infinity War trying to defeat Thanos in their own way. It was almost like each group was on their own movie within one larger movie.
@isildor: I do agree with that. My fiance was next to me and was feeling pretty upset about many of the deaths but then she was like "wait they already said there's going to be a new Spiderman and a new Black Panther movie. So they have to come back."
Though, if Marvel/Disney wants, they could flip it on us. Take Spiderman for example. They could easily play it off that the new Spiderman movie doesn't need to follow Peter Parker as Spiderman. Same with Black Panther, we already know T'Challa doesn't need to be the Black Panther. Or they could play it off that the movies were announced to throw the audience off so we wouldn't see The deaths coming.
I just hope that some deaths do stay permanent or that there are more permanent deaths in the next movie. It would be disappointing if the next movie ends with a "and they all loved happily ever after" type conclusion.
@ardenes: Watchmen certainly has a lot of depth but that comes directly from the comic. The movie was nearly a shot for shot adaptation from the comic. That's great but I feel like that takes a lot of work and creativity out of the hands of the movie makers.
With the MCU and Infinity War the creators had to figure out how to make everything work from beginning to end. Where to begin with solo movies. How to bring the characters together for that first Avengers team up movie. How to introduce more, less popular characters and turn them into fan favorites. Adding backstory little by little in each movie to build and lead into Infinity War. To me that's much more difficult and ambitious than taking one comic book and properly adapting it to the big screen.
@LVT_PTA_PB: completely disagree. The Watchmen comic series/graphic novel was very ambitious, one of the most ambitious comics of all time, but turning that into a film adaptation wasn't all that ambitious.
Building an entire movie franchise/universe with the idea that it will all lead to one giant, climatic movie is extremely ambitious and is unlike anything that's come before it. I can watch Watchmen in one sitting without having to read or watch anything before it. Infinity War pretty much requires you to watch the majority of MCU movies that came before it to dilly appreciate and understand what is going on. Infinity War as a stand alone movie is entertaining but not exactly a great movie. What makes it great is everything that came before it to build up the characters, universe, and story.
@Terminator95: thought they did a pretty good job considering. They could have easily made this a 3 hour long movie if they wanted to. I do kind of hope there is a longer, extended director's cut but I thought they did a good job with the time they had.
I was also fine with all the fights since this was basically the climax of everything that came before it.
@amichalski81: it's a superhero movie man. You are going to see some weird die hard fans at these shows. At least these people are passionate about something and that something is harmless. Hell I wish there were things in my life that I was that passionate about.
@garysan: I took it as the heroes either being over confident that they would win or just being indenial that they might actually lose. It was like the heroes were expecting to win because they're the good guys and they always come out on top, reinforced by the outcome of every MCU movie before it. Im sure a lot of fans expected it too. Here comes Thanos, the big bad that seems unstoppable, but surely our heroes will find a way to stop him, right? Wrong!
I liked how every time you thought the good guys had the upper hand they flipped it. Gamora stabs Thanos in the neck and kills him, nope just an illusion. The heroes are just about to remove the Gaunlet, nope Starlord screws up and just wakens the beast. They destroy the stone in Vision's head, now there's no way for Thanos to complete the gauntlet. Nah he's just going to reverse time and get the stone anyway. Oh snap Thor just stabbed him with his new powerful axe, that was very sudden but I guess this is the blow that kills Thanos. Nah, he basically laughs it off for not finishing him, snaps his fingers and kills off half the universe. The movie makers were basically like "you know how the heroes always find a way no matter what? Yeah not this time. No deus ex machina here."
"but the decision making of the characters in the movie was just beyond stupid and didn't have enough backing to justify their motive."
While I agree it's was an extremely dumb decision by Quill, I'm pretty sure everyone that sees this film will have the same reaction of "wtf are you doing?!", the scene reinforces the idea that these are imperfect heroes and people. We've seen it throughout the movies that these characters will make decisions, usually bad one, based on emotions instead of logic. People do this in real life all the time.
"Also there were simply too much forced cheesy humor"
This goes for most MCU movies. There was a little too much comedy for my liking, especially considering the stakes of the film, but I've accepted that this is a staple of the MCU. And I'm not going to complain that a piece of entertainment made me laugh (there were a few lol moments for me).
"Oh and whatever happened to turning back time?"
Not sure what point in the film you are talking about specifically but I wonder if Dr. Strange thought that Thanos would just counter his power. I'm also not sure we know the full extent of that power. But I think it will play a major role in the next fill..
"Thanos wasn't bad a$$ enough etc"
I thought Thanos was as badass as you could expect for an MCU movie. He killed a few characters will his hands and might alone, tortured a few characters, easily handled pretty much every hero he faced (sometimes multiple at a time), and then snapped his fingers and caused half of the universe's population to vanish into dust. By MCU standards that's about as dark, devastating, and badass a villain can be.
@deviltaz35: well I think they had a review without spoilers. I think the point is that this review is for people that have already watched the movie and want to discuss it freely.
@quis89: of course but at this particular moment Thanos has won. It takes stones (pun intended) to end a superhero movie like that even if everything ends up getting undone in the next movie.
MCU gets a lot of flack for being too kid friendly but, despite all the comedy, this movie had some of the darker moments ever in superhero movies. The movie literally ends with half of the universe's population disappearing into ash. Sure, it will probably be 100% reversed by the end of the next Avengers but that's a dark note to end a movie on.
scottyp360's comments