@cfscorpio: one of the best things about the Gamer Club membership is how lenient they are with it. I've been using my friends membership for years with no issue. We once bought the same game at the same best buy within 10 minutes of each other and the guy at the register was like:
"were you here like 10 minutes ago buying the same game?"
"I just checked someone else out with this membership and they bought the same game."
"Oh I guess one of my friends used my membership since he knows information."
The guy had no problem about it and indicated that it happens all the time. Point being, if you have some friends that would also use the membership see if they will throw down some money to purchase the membership. Save yourself money now and later.
@itsatm: if you plan on trading the game in eventually then sure but I would be all over this deal if I wasn't already getting the game for 20% off at best buy.
@xxdavidxcx87: if people are clicking on an article about Far Cry 5's end game they most likely have beaten the game already or don't care if the ending is spoiled. It'd be careless to click on the link otherwise.
@everson_rm: I was originally resistant to the idea of a digital library. I liked having the physical case and disc along with the option to trade in the game if I wanted. Now I find myself buying digital games just because they're on sale. Got quite a few games that I've barely even played
@locutus442: good to know I wasn't seeing things. Thought I saw $8 when I read this earlier. I have the collection for XboxOne but was considering grabbing it for PS4 if it was only $8. Too bad. Would have been a great deal.
@pointingmonkey: it's crazy but these rankings are based on metacritic scores which aren't the most accurate. I also think King Kong was highly overrated upon release. Big budget movie made by Peter Jackon, hot of his success from LOTR. At the time I think critics thought it was a fantastic modern reimagining of the classic movie.
But still pretty shocking as I remember Jurassic Park being a HUGE success upon release. Although I was 3 at the time so something as little as a new Power Rangers episode seemed pretty big to me.
I need to finally watch the Host. Always had an interest just never took the time to sit down and watch. As a sucker for monster movies I need to get on it.
scottyp360's comments