@cboye18: what? That makes way too much sense. It's far more believable that this reviewer and Gamespot have some sort of agenda against this game and, most likely, Sony. We all know this game is a flawless and perfect 10 and any review score that indicates otherwise is just purposely hating on this game. God only knows how many sales this game is going lose now all because Gamespot gave a 9 instead of a 10. Shame on you Gamespot.
@wrestlingdude: what exactly would be the motive of giving the game a 9 instead of 10? How does that effect anyone or anything? Maybe you watch too much wrestling, wrestlingdude. This isn't something of swerve or screw job.
@bukmeikara: I've questioned Gamespot scores in the past. It sometimes seems like they'll purposely review a game slightly higher or lower, possibly for clicks and attention. For example the Gamespot review score for The Last of Us (8) was one of the lowest scores the game got.
But at the end of the day a review score isn't going to be completely objective. There's going to be some bias and subjectiveness that can effect the score without being accounted for in the review.
@davillain-: I'm with you man. Why stress out about review scores and reviews I'm general when this game has been universally praised and you can learn everything you need to know just by reading a review or two. I could see if this review was completely the same and the game got like a 7, maybe even an 8, but when the review is basically saying "this game has little to no negatives" that's more important than whatever number grade it received.
I know some are complaining but I can understand a 9 despite there being no mention of specific cons. Sometimes there's just something you can't put your finger on that can cause you to rate something slightly higher or lower. I know I've played games or seen movies and thought "I loved it but it was just missing a little something to bring it to that next level" or "that wasn't bad but it just wasn't quite for me." Sometimes you just can't find that specific reason for liking, disliking, or loving something.
@halo1399: I'd like to think this is what happens when reviews drop a week early and people don't have their hands on the game but things will probably be even worse next week when people can give legitimate impressions or at least act like they played the game. I'm sure next week we will see a barrage of comments ranging from "OMG this game is so overrated" to "this is the best game of all time! How did it not get a 10!"
As someone that was already hyped and excited for this game these positive reviews have only made me more impatient. I don't know how people can complain about reviews scores when:
1) no one outside of reviewers have played the game
2) the game is sitting at a 94 on metacritic.
I know metacritic isn't the be all end of for reviews but it's rare to see a game, or anything really, receive this much positive reception. For people to still complain is just ridiculous.
@ranger1208: I wonder if part of the issue is that the review is out so early that people have nothing better to do than, essentially, review the reviews. If the game was out then people could play the game and contribute their own opinions about the game.
Of course you'll still get complaints either way: "this game should have been a 10!" Or "this game is so overrated!"
@ice12tray: I'd love for Last of Us 2 to drop this year but I dont think so will release that many exclusives in just one year. They already have God of War, Detroit, Yakuza 6, and Spiderman coming this year (might be forgetting others). That's not even counting big multiplatform titles like Far Cry 5(already released), Red Dead 2, new COD, possibly the new Metro, and I'm sure plenty of others.
That's a lot of games and competition to deal with. I'd expect Sony to wait for early 2019 when there is less competition (much like what happened with uncharted 4, horizon, and now God of War).
If Last of Us 2 does release this year it could be a sign that the PS5 is on the way sooner than later.
@Ravenlore_basic: hopefully the next time it is shown off (E3?) Sony can do a better job demonstrating and displaying what is possible with the game. Show off some of the creative process within the game and then some finished products of what is possible.
It sounds like a game that has the potential to really blow people away with it's possibilities but, like you said, it is hard to fully conceptualize at this point.
scottyp360's comments