@heartyoumeus: based on the game's graphics it seems like they were more focused on pushing the visuals of the game than hitting a steady 60fps. If they targeted 60fps the overall visual quality would take a noticeable hit.
While 60fps is a popular option for many gamers I think developers/publishers know that casual gamers are more impressed by how good a game looks than how well it runs. That's the first thing most people are going to notice about a game. I wouldn't be surprised if the developers/publishers are banking on that with this game.
@good_coop89: I was thinking he just travels to a new part of the world where different God's rule than land. Or maybe since he essentially killed all the other God's new God's took their place?
@heartyoumeus: if not you can always manually remap buttons with the PS4. I think it's under the Accessibility category under settings. It's not ideal since any changes you make apply for the entire system. So, for example, if you remap R1 with square then every R1 action now must be done by pressing square. That applies for any menu action or any game you play.
Again, it's not the most elegant or ideal way to change controls for a game but it will make sure any games controls are tailored to your liking.
@Xero_Kaiser: we'll see. Seeing that the game is expected to be the longest game in the series at around 30 hours there will likely be more cutscenes than past games. There certainly seems to be a deeper focus on story and narrative than before.
When it comes to gameplay, however, I'm very welcome to the changes made. Whether it's better or worse will be debatable and might come down to personal preference but I'm excited for something different. The traditional gameplay was fun but we've been doing that since the PS2 days. It's be difficult to be interested in gameplay that's been rehashed from 13 years ago.
Pumped for this game but if there is one thing I'll miss from the past games is the platforming. The platforming and puzzle sequences of the previous games gave the gameplay much needed variety from the fast paced hack n slash action.
Although it seems like very little of the game has been shown off so I do wonder how/if the game will change the deeper you go. In previous games Kratos always gained new weapons and abilities as the game went on so I wonder if new mechanics will eventually be introduced.
@cannibalx666x: After God of War Acension was announced I thought I'd never be excited for a God of War game again. I loved the first 3 games but when Ascension was revealed I couldnt have been less excited. It was the same old gameplay with a few tweaks. The game wasn't bad it was just redundant if you played the previous games.
When this game was announced I was surprised by how excited I was for the game because of the changes. Not only does it look different from any other GoW game but it doesn't quite look like any other action game I've played. Can't wait to finally play this game.
@videogameninja: Agree ninja. The original games were fun, fast paced action platformers but after 4+ games (if you count the portable games) I don't know what they could have possibly done to innovate the formula and keep it fresh. I was a big God of War fan for the first 3 main entries but by Ascension the feeling was "been there, done that."
When big changes are made to any series or franchise there's going to be backlash from loyal fans but this was a necessary change to keep God of War relevant. Some will disagree but if it was just more of the same the game would be far less exciting.
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