sean_c223's forum posts
assassins creed has a better story and is going to be released in a trilogy (so hopefully will get better) but SC:DA is alot better imo in terms of stealth and gameplay. i own them both and after beating AC, i havent picked it up again, with SC:DA, ive beaten it a few times.
id go for splinter cell
i wasnt sure where to post this so i thought id be safe and try here.
because harmonix dont seem like theyll be announcing a release date for Rock Band any time soon, ive decided to buy one online and have it shipped over to Australia. the only problem is, im not sure how to tell if a game is region free.
now every game ive bought off Ebay has been region free, even though it is marked as NTSC-J (for use with a Japanese console) .
so does anyone know if Rock Band is region free? or could they tell me how to find out if a game is region free. any help would be appreciated
im buying it simply because harmonix are screwing us over in hasnt been released yet and there is no mention of when a release date will be.
GH4 will be the first "full band" game down here and i hope it does well
its a matter of opinion. i honestly cant say which i like better because they both have good songs. look up the tracklist on wikipedia or something
guitar hero: aerosmith.......jk
no other game will get 10/10. i predict mgs will get a 9/10 maybe 9.5
resistance will get 8.5-9/10
360- afraid it will rrod on me
ps3 (my brothers): not enough good exlusives, constantly trying to go back and play games i got bored with already
ds: good games are few and far between
pc: it sucks and morrowind is taxing on it. (though im getting a new one soon)
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