i bought a 360 about 2 weeks after it launched in aus... ive had it for basically two years and never had a problem. i keep it in a room thats probbly the dustiest and dirtiest room in the house and have played in temperatures of well over 40 degrees celcius.
my brother and brother in law both own ps3's, and because im the go to man in the house for games i always have them asking me when games are coming out for them on the ps3 (which usually gets a response like "you should check out this game called lair, i heard its pretty good"). when i look at the position im in why would i ever consider a ps3.
now dont get me wrong, im no fanboy of any console or company, ive owned a NES,SNES, N64, PS, PS2 and now a 360 (and would never touch the peice of **** that was the original xbox), but there is no doubt at this period of time as to which is the better console. the only thing that sony has going for it is blu-ray, which has in all honesty, has put an end to the format war bar the shouting. i would gladly buy a ps3 in the future if the blu-ray drive has a big enough affect on MS and puts sony ahead of them.
there is no case to be made against the 360 right now besides its hardware issues, which, compared to the PS3's lack of almost everything makes it seem trivial.
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