seercirra's forum posts now i am as original and funny as you, and all the thousands of people who have posted this pic on a forum. yay i joined a club!![QUOTE="seercirra"]and as for the actual game, well it was just a cash cow. bioware i bet devoted very little resources to it, knowing that their name and the star wars franchise would sell enough in the first day for them to cover their expenses and everything else is pure profit. alot of people got caught up in the hype instead of critically analysing the game and for them i feel sorry for but i hope they learn a lesson. personally i wont play any MMO until they see that the traditional mechanics are best. which means; no instances, nowhere you cannot pvp - self moderated by a criminal system and npc guards. player looting. tradeskills which do something and are logical. basically i want a remake of ultima online or dransik. those are the best and most pure mmo's.wis3boi
Spent £130 on the CE expecting something great and didn't play the beta because it makes it boring when playing the final game as you'ved played through it all. The sad fact is that the game just isn't very fun, it's well made and polished but the game bores me to tears. I was expecting something great from Bioware but when the quests all feel like they came from WoW I just feel like I've played this game 7 or so years ago and I'm bored of it by now. They kept going on about this "story" and how it wouldn't feel like "kill 10 rats" and yet that is all it is. For the first three planets all I've been doing is standard kill,fetch or delivery quests and I've gotten to the point where I struggle to log in because I'm so bored.
It doesn't help that I feel like I'm playing alone the whole time because everything is so instanced that you hardly see anyone around. You have these giant open spaces with nothing in them as players are all in the quest instances and there is little point to the planet. The weird thing is as well is the NPCs don't seem to walk around or do patrols like you get in other MMOs, they all just tend to stay in one place and it all feels reather static. They built this whole phase system and yet the world doesn't change to your actions, so there is no conscience to anything other that light side or dark side points which gives you gear. Only I'm finding myself picking options and getting both sides points and there isn't any gear for Neutral people.
I haven't seen a single enemy in the world since playing, I joined a PVP server to do some open world PVP. If I wanted to do boring battlegrounds I would have rolled a PVE server, but it is world PVP that gets me excited in an MMO. I found the way the worlds are designed is disappointing because it seems like the only world pvp areas are in quest objective areas which are so small they feel like battlegrounds without any enemies, I don't see any lol. I heard two different stories of it all changes when you get to Tatooine but I've also heard you get exhausted within 60m of the main base there and you have to get taxis to travel to different locations. So basically it gives you the illusion that it is open, yet it's just as enclosed as everyother zone but has tham BF like kills you if you leave the area.I doubt I'm going to get to see that for myself and I really see no point of having Capital cities with no one in them because everyone is in the stations. Just get rid of the stations and move people into the world instead!
I've unsubscribed already, I'm just so bored and the only thing keeping me playing and having fun were my firends but they've all uninstalled the game now so I'm alone. Just feel so let down by Bioware this year, first Dragon Age 2 and then this....
Play the game in moderation then? I hate it when people play games for hours and hours a day and are confused as to why they are bored of it.
he doesn't like it because its bad. i hate it when people tell people that the reason they don't enjoy a game is because they are playing it wrong.
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