@BluRayHiDef said:
I think the XBOX ONE's current problems are analogous to the PS3's problems during the beginning of its lifetime and that the XBOX ONE will improve as developers learn how to code for it efknficiently.
What a completely idiotic analogy
The PS3 was still a little more powerful then the 360 was. But it was harder to develop for. It was harder to tap into the PS3's power advantage etc
Many didnt bother learning how to tap into the PS3, but when they did...especially playstation exclusive developers...you saw the results.
The 360 and PS3 each had different architectures too. So it was harder to port games from one to the other.
Since the 360 came out a year earlier and was easier to develop for, many developers just started leading on 360. The PS3 was getting the short end of the stick, until its sales picked up and more started learning how to use the cell etc
Its a much different situation today
Sony learned from that...
Where as the PS3 and the 360 had different architecture with 360 being easier to develop for
The PS4 and the xbone share the same architecture...the PS4 just has much more power to work with...and its easier to use its power too
The xbone is WEAKER AND HARDER to develop for LOL
Theres no secret sauce in the xbone. The powa of the cloud wont make the difference
The PS4 is up to 70% more powerful, while being easier to develop for
Plus the PS4 came out at the same time and is crushing the xbone in sales right now....Its NOTHING like the early PS3 vs 360 situation...
From the start, every multi-platform game was running better on PS4 with higher resolutions. Thats proves how much more powerful it is.
Most multi plat games were 1080p on PS4 vs 720p on xbone. Thats a HUGE difference. That means PS4 is rendering twice the pixel detail
Thats a huge difference just at launch, and that gap will only continue to widen for the PS4
Exclusive wise, Killzone looked better then anything on the xbone at launch...and The Order and Infamous BLOW away any xbone game we've ever seen
PS4 exclusives are going to look and play so much better then xbone exclusives, its not even going to be funny. There is going to be a bigger difference in graphics between PS4 exclusives and xbone exclusives, then there ever was between xbox and PS2
Theres no way around it, fact is the PS4 simply has the MUCH more powerful hardware, and its easier to develop for
Its time to accept reality.
If you deny that reality, then yes YOU ARE an xbox fanboy.
The PS4 will always be more capable and able to render much more impressive graphics
Any improvements the xbone makes in its tools, the PS4 will make in its tools as well and keep the gap growing.
Theres also the fact the PS4 has hUMA capability and GPUGPU while the xbone can NOT and will not ever be able to do either at the capacity the PS4 can
The PS4 is much more future proof.
As time goes by and GPUGPU becomes the norm, youre really going to start to see a night and day difference between how PS4 games play and look vs xbone. Xbone will be struggling to keep up. While PS4 was built to handle it
The kicker...the much more powerful, easier to develop for PS4 GAMING console with better exclusive developers and more support COSTS 100$ LESS
There is no reason for a rational human being to get an xbone when the PS4 exists.
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