You sound like a complet nut case whos about to fly off the handle at any moment. You xbot shills need to be put down for society's sake.
Majority of gamers whove actually played Infamous have loved it..and many including me consider Infamous Second Son THE best game of next generation by far
The traversal in Infamous is SECOND to NONE. Neon sprinting or flying up buildings with video powers in Infamous is one of the greateat gameplay sensations yet. Just feels soo good...looks soo good.. its awesome....
The combat is sublime too.
Infamous drops you into an open world playground with super powers and the option of traversal combat and its up to you how you want to take out the enemies
You cant discredit Infamous when SunSet is trying to do the same and has worse traversal, much less options in combat, and has boring guns instead of super powers. Dumb xbot.
Everything SunSet is going for, Infamous ALREADY DID it all much better, with better gameplay abilities and better graphics in an open world setting
Also, watch SunSet end up having WORSE / more repetitive missions then Infamous too. Youre setting yourself up for a major backfire xbot.
However the side missions in Infamous were designed well to fit the story and they werent over bearing. I LOVED that
Ganeplay in Infamous is so amazingly fun nothing really matterered though. I enjoyed the story as well.
Give me Killzone, Knack, The GREAT Infamous, and MLB PLUS superior multi plats OVER ANY thing on the xbone
Whats the xbone have? Inferior multiplats, another meh Forza...Dead Rising 3...the over hyped over rated TitanFall.
PS4>>>xbone in every possible catagory in hardware, features, and games
You have to be stupid to buy an over-priced, under-powered Xbone that isnt focused on gaming, has inferior multi plats and has much worst first party studios. PS4 is killing Xbone in sales for a reason. People in the real world arent stupid like you xbot shills on forums are
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