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#1  Edited By SelfReflect
Member since 2014 • 117 Posts

@Salt_The_Fries said:

It's more like Simon Says with this 40x processing power of X360, some low level exec from an isolated territory paraphrased somebody else's words and probably sugarcoated them. They might not be representative of the company as a whole, just like Tomb Raider devs themselves were unsure about the parity between X1 and PS4 and contradicted each other!

A spokesperson for Xbox Australia went on to reiterate the claims to Stevivor, and stated that the Xbox One would effectively be “40 times greater than the Xbox 360 in terms of processing capabilities” using the cloud.

Microsoft made that dubious false claim "powa of the cloud 40x more powerful"

durring its FIRST ever reveal of the xbone lol

When it was time to reveal the xbone to the public thats the "CLAIM" they made and stood by as a company

It was BS and no one with a brain fell for it...only xbots who have a brain missing...

Seriously, what a lame attempt to excuse Microsoft's BS

You must be a Microsoft shill. Your opinions now mean nothing

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#2  Edited By SelfReflect
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Dont forget these also,

Microsoft: "the powa of the cloud is infinite"

Microsoft: "xbone is 6x more powerful then a 360, but with the powa of the cloud the xbone is 40x more powerful"

Microsoft: "the xbone has a billion transistors"

^ Those were OUT right false BS statements made by Microsoft-limpdick

Some of the worst PR ive ever heard in gaming

Also all the FUD Microsoft tried to spread about the PS4's SIGNIFICANT power advantage over the xbone. That was just despicable

(Microsoft spreads nothing but hate and negativity. Also are anti-consumer to the extreme. Proven again and again. Microsoft is a cancer that needs to be KILLED off already)

Microsoft needs to stop with all the lies.

Meanwhile, everything Sony promised with the PS4 they delievered in spades.....amazing power per price ratio is one example....the PS4 proved to be all about gaming and for gamers etc

I got everything I wanted with my PS4. Love my PS4 so much....greatest gaming console ever....majority have as well

Isnt it funny how Xboners are trying to turn Killzone's resolution durring MP into some kind of issue too. The resolution is still higher then 97% of xbone games...while to boot no xbone game even comes close to pushing the visual fidelity Killzone is pushing at its higher resolution.

And at the end of the day, ive been playing mult-plats that have significant higher resolutions and better frame rates on PS4 ...and all for 100$ less

PS4 is getting all the best mult-plats and you know it will be getting the much better exclusives too

Xbone has NOTHING on PS4

Also, Titan Fall, a small enclosed game with linear maps and low player counts LOOKS TWO generations below the OPEN WORLD PS4 exclusive Infamous in graphics LOL.....that says it all about how much more powerful the PS4 truly is....xbone is a joke....

Thats what has been causing a lot of xboner meltdowns. Infamous looks literally two generations ahead of Titan Fall graphically

PS4 also CRUSHING xbone in sales and widening the gap more and more....which is causing more meltdowns

I love it.

The few remaining of you delusional xbots who have yet to make the switch to the PS4, like most already have....are just losing it..

-the desperately trying to latch on to any "negative" Sony news they can then blowing it way out of proportion... just pathetic

-all the damage control

Has to be Microsoft shills and FUD....

All this damage control and FUD from Microsoft WILL NEVER WORK and only brings people closer together for Playstation while making Microsoft look worse

NOTHING is stopping this PS4 frieght trane baby.

Xbots are getting even more desperate then Microsoft is right now (lol at Microsoft's panic price cut)

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#3 SelfReflect
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Like most Microsoft products are, Direct DX has always been vastly over rated

Most game developers themselfes will tell you they prefer open GL

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#4  Edited By SelfReflect
Member since 2014 • 117 Posts

@lglz1337 said:

ps4 6 mil sold soak it up!

bbbut the infinite cloud power LMAO

Haha yep

After all the BS Microsoft spewed about the infinities powa of the cloud, how can any xbot tell another company to stop telling lies

Microsoft IS the company that needs to stop lying and spreading FUD and BS with their shills. Microsoft is legit a cancer to gaming that needs to be incinerated

And to especially come at Sony like this...when Sony has been the only one for the gamer...when Sony just released an awesome GAMING centric PS4, the most powerful console ever at such a good price (PS4 is 100$ cheaper then an xbone while 50% more powerful lol)

Its like....get real....get lost....xboners

Also Sony never promised anything with Killzone. Its up to the developers.

Kilzone still has a 1080p NATIVE resolution and high frame rate in SP....and considering the visual fidelity of Killzone thats insanely impressive.....

Ryse is much smaller, scripted, linear, yet STILL doesnt look as impressive as Killzone and still doesnt come close to pushing all the effects and tech Killzone is pushing while Killzone is also pushing all its tech at higher resolution and higher frame rate

Nothing on xbone COMES close to Killzone on a technical level

Even the 920x 1080p resolution in the MP of Killzone is STILL a higher resolution then the resolutions of 95% of xbone games lol

So the fact xbots are trying to make this seem like this big issue is INSANE....

if thats the case what about the very linear and scripted Ryse only being 900p while pushing less graphics too

Did xbots ever say anything about that? Especially since poly models in Ryse were also downgraded

PS4 is the only thing saving this understand xboners when you say something bad about the PS4/Sony you are going against gaming period

If you can still defend Microsoft after all the BS theyve done...youre against gaming....youre DEAD to gamers

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#5  Edited By SelfReflect
Member since 2014 • 117 Posts

Why dont you also ask Microsoft why the xbone is under-powered and over-priced?

Why dont you ask Microsoft why they tried to butcher consumer rights with their henious always online DRM schemes?

To still defend a mega shady faceless corp in Microsoft after all the bad Micrsoft has done...youre not a real gamer....youre a shill or a delusional xboner who doesnt deserve oxygen

Any one who can still support Microsoft while hating on Sony when Sony has been the only one for gamers, while Sony released an awesome PURE POWERFUL CHEAP GAMING console, is an ENEMY to gaming and deserves to be taken out back and put down for the good of humaity....friggen delusional xboners

Why dont you also ask Microsoft why they tried to pass of pre-rendered footage of Ryse as gameplay and severely downgraded Forza 5. NOW that was despicable

Youre thread would have actually made sense if it was directed at Microsoft TROLL

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#6  Edited By SelfReflect
Member since 2014 • 117 Posts

Microsoft: "the powa of the cloud is infinite"

Microsoft: "xbone is 6x more powerful then a 360, but with the powa of the cloud the xbone is 40x more powerful"

Microsoft: "the xbone has a billion transistors"

^ Those were OUT right false BS statements made by Microsoftlimpdick

That PR from Microsoft is some of the most digusting PR ive ever heard in gaming

Also all the FUD Microsoft tried to spread about the PS4's SIGNIFICANT power advantage. Just despicable (Microsoft spreads nothing but hate and negativity. Also are anti-consumer to the extreme. Microsoft is a cancer that needs to be KILLED off already)

So anyway the more appropiate question is, WHY DOES Microsoft blatantly lie

and why do its dumb delusional xboners keep falling for all of Microsoft's BS while accusing Sony ?

Everything Sony promised with the PS4 they delievered in spades.....amazing power per price ratio is one example....the PS4 proved to be all about gaming and for gamers etc

I got everything I wanted with my PS4. Love my PS4 so much....greatest gaming console ever....majority have as well

You can go back under your bridge you pathetic xbot troll

At the end of the day, ive been playing mult-plats that have significant higher resolutions and better frame rates on PS4 ...and all for 100$ less


PS4 is getting all the best mult-plats and you know it will be getting the much better exclusives too

Xbone has NOTHING on PS4

Also, Titan Fall, a small enclosed game with linear maps and low player counts LOOKS TWO generations below the OPEN WORLD PS4 exclusive Infamous in graphics LOL.....that says it all about how much more powerful the PS4 truly is....xbone is a joke....

I know Infamous looking two generations ahead of Titan Fall graphically has been causing some xboner meltdowns

PS4 also CRUSHING xbone in sales and widening the gap more and more....which is causing more meltdowns

I love it.

The few remaining of you delusional xbots who have yet to make the switch to the PS4, like most already have....are just losing it..

-the desperately trying to latch on to any "negative" Sony news they can then blowing it way out of proportion... just pathetic

-all the damage control

Has to be Microsoft shills and FUD....

All this damage control and FUD from Microsoft WILL NEVER WORK and only brings people closer together for Playstation while making Microsoft look worse

NOTHING is stopping this PS4 frieght trane.

You xbots are even more desperate then Microsoft is right now (lol at that panic price cut)

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#7  Edited By SelfReflect
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LOL did you know that the PS4 is far ahead of the PS1's pace

In fact, the PS4 is even ahead of the PS2's pace

The PS4 has opened up with the greatest launch of any console in history.....and that isnt going to stop....there is still unbelievable demand...PS4 is a legit cultural phenomenon.....NOTHING is stopping the PS4 fright trane!

Those heavy hitting awesome playstation exclusives havent even come out yet imagine what will happen once they do start coming with more regularity....thats going to keep the PS4's momentum on fire and that momentum will only continue to grow.

So forget PS1 like sales, the PS4 is on to bigger and better sales. The PS4 can realistically surpass PS2 sales

And I couldnt be happier

The console that put gamers first is doing record numbers...the PS4....

It is also the console that is the most powerful and cheapest brought to you by the company (Sony) who has been there with gamers and has never tried to Microsoft away gamers rights like Microsoft tried to

Sony did everything right with the PS4. Sony was with gamers from the start and designed the PS4 for the gamer. Insane power for its price. Gaming features galore. Awesome controller. PSN+ etc

Ive been loving my PS4. The PS4 is the best pure gaming console ive ever owned

The all time legendary success of the PS4 is so well deserved by Sony

The return of the king baby!

Things will only continue get better. Those awesome playstation exclusives will start coming one after another etc

Greatness was there when I bought my PS4. Now even more greatness awaits

What makes this all even better is that Microsoft is losing BIG. They werent rewarded for thier bs (Microsoft trying to get away with DRM, still realising weaker more expensive hardware, kinect spy cam mandatory, the TV focus over games)

The PS4 crushing the xbone in sales sends all the right lets continue to send the right message and continue to unanimously choose PS4

I truly hope the xbone fails miserably this gen. The xbone is over-priced, under-powered garbage. And screw Microsoft for life for what they tried to get away with (always online DRM)

Competition WORKS by weeding out the week and the xbone is weak...and Microsoft needs to be vanished from gaming too. Microsoft is viciously anti-consumer/anti-gamer. Proven again and again. Microsoft is bad for gaming....

Microsoft having success is the WORST thing that could ever happen to gaming. It opens the door to their "orginal visions" like always online and TV>gaming

Thank god for Sony saving this gen from Microsoft's BS

All gaming needs is Sony and Nintendo each doing their own thing

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#8  Edited By SelfReflect
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How many games were Valve themselfes responsible for creating and developing?

Gotta remember Valve PUBLISHES.

They were not the DEVELOPER to many of those games nor were they responsible for creating most of the ideas to their "games" etc

The correct answer is Naughty Dog!

Naughty Dog with Uncharted 2 redefined this generation

Then Naughty Dog threw that all away to create a dramatically different new IP in the Last of Us. Its a timeless masterpiece that will likely go on to redefine survival horror...

Most developers dont even come close to creating one all time classic through out their entire life span

Naughty Dog just created TWO all time classic in one generation....and Naughty Dog is still in their PRIMES and only getting better

Naughty Dog is so far ahead of the pact, its not even funny

Hell, I wouldnt just call Naughty Dog the BEST DEVELOPER of this past gen.

I would call Naughty Dog THE best devoloper gaming has ever seen period, and I dont care if it sounds like hyperbole to some

Im working with reality here

Who else has created 2 NEW IPS in one gen that have BOTH scored a 96 on MC and over a 90 in user reviews?

Many considered Uncharted 2 the best game of this gen,

Now everyone who has played Last of Us pretty much unanimously considers the Last of Us the best game of this gen,

Many of those people even saying that the Last of Us IS the best game they have played of all time

Both Uncharted 2 and Last of Us will be timeless classics that redefined their genre, and Naughty Dog is responsible for creating both and developing both

Thats unreal!

Show me another developer with those accolades IN ONE gen

-Creating 2 NEW dramatically different IPS which are both the best games of that gen like Naughty Dog just did with Uncharted 2 and Last of Us

Then beyond that, Naughty Dog is also responsible for creating the Crash and Jak & Daxter classics

Literally EVERYTHING Naughty Dog has created has been a classic...and every one of their classic and iconic franchises ARE DRAMITCALLY different to one another

Show me another developer who is that consistent and that versatile

Developers like Rockstar are one trick ponies(open world games in the vein of GTA) and even then Rockstar and Valve have put out some sh!tty games

Where as Naughty Dog is MONEY ALL the time and picks what ever new genre they want to tackle and then they pretty much redefine that genre

Naughty Dog always tests themselfes with somehing new, rises to the occasion, and grows as a developer because of that .

All things considered, accolades, resume of work, reputation etc ...Naughty Dog is the greatest developer gaming has ever seen bar none

We have NEVER seen a developer like Naughty Dog. Naughty Dog is special. Naughty Dog is brilliant. The fact we get to play Naughty Dog's master peices. WE are like the people who had the pleasure of seeing Ali fight in his prime. No one puts as much love, care, and vast attention to detail into their games as much as Naughty Dog puts into their games for us. Thats why we should love Naughty Dog even more.

Naughty Dog also has the 100% support, love and backing of Sony. Sony always lets Naughty Dog do their thing and flex their crative muscle and that is a beautiful thing....

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#9 SelfReflect
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N@FragTycoon said:

Lems don't understand the implications of touting this game as their savior.

In bragging about the (arguably) better version of Thief they unknowingly validate every other multiplat in favor of PS4.

No one ever said said they were a smart bunch.

Haha exactly my brother

The PS4 version of Theif still has a better frame rate and a higher resolution....but because Digital Foundry "claims" that Theif is "better" on xbone xboners start going insane trying to campaign this as some sort of "victory"

So then what about EVERY other past multi-plat game that has been SIGNIFICANTLY better on PS4.

That must have been land slide victories for the PS4 then, and like you said, xboners themsefles admit that when they try to claim that Theif - with its lower frame rate and lower resolution is better on xbone

The big advantages the PS4 has had over the xbone in every other past mult-plat game TRUMPS the "differences" here in Theif and TRUMPS the miniscule differences the 360 ever had over the PS3 in multi-plats

Xbox fanboys TRULY are the MOST delusional ever

Xboners are like people from the UK who claim a "victory" when a UK fighter doesnt get Knocked out in the first round but still loses YET ignores every other time a UK fighter gets Knocked out in the first

Xbox fanboys are the WORST OF THE WORST, Just like how Microsoft is the WORST OF THE WORST as a company

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#10  Edited By SelfReflect
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My god, so many delusional xbot shills in this thread

No one cares about Theif.

Theif is a visually unimpressive Unreal Engine 3 game and still they couldnt even hit 1080p on XB1 lol

They enabled Anisotropic Filtering on PS4 (one of the most inexpensive settings to crank up on PC, I might add) and yet the PS4 version is still nearly "identical" to the xbone version despite the PS4 having SIGNIFICANT much more power then the xbone

So you can tell the PS4 version was "held back" from what It couldve truly done. Im glad people are calling this bullshit out for what it is

But at the end of the day, both console versions suffer from aliasing issues and frequent framedrops

You xboners and Microsoftlimpdick shills are campaigning this shitty visually uninpressive game around as some sort of "victory." Just pathetic.

98% of multi-plats have been VASTLY superior on PS4 and will continue to be on PS4 ! What about that xbots.

Hell, can you xbots even read because if you actually read the damn text, the PS4 version STILL ekes out the XB1 version (just shouldve been by more since PS4 has way more power)

1080p vs 900p and a better (albeit also shitty) framerate on PS4 certainly trumps anisotropic filtering on xbone

Its time to use common sense. Digital Foundry found the xbone better despite the PS4 version having a better resolution and better frame rate. How much more blatant can they get

The article should have just lead with both versions being complete garbage though, instead of trying to evelate one shitshow over the other.

Digital Foundry is a joke and has been exposed numerous times in the past for shilling out for Microsoft. Never TRUST anything PRO-xbone that Digital Foundry claims