How many games were Valve themselfes responsible for creating and developing?
Gotta remember Valve PUBLISHES.
They were not the DEVELOPER to many of those games nor were they responsible for creating most of the ideas to their "games" etc
The correct answer is Naughty Dog!
Naughty Dog with Uncharted 2 redefined this generation
Then Naughty Dog threw that all away to create a dramatically different new IP in the Last of Us. Its a timeless masterpiece that will likely go on to redefine survival horror...
Most developers dont even come close to creating one all time classic through out their entire life span
Naughty Dog just created TWO all time classic in one generation....and Naughty Dog is still in their PRIMES and only getting better
Naughty Dog is so far ahead of the pact, its not even funny
Hell, I wouldnt just call Naughty Dog the BEST DEVELOPER of this past gen.
I would call Naughty Dog THE best devoloper gaming has ever seen period, and I dont care if it sounds like hyperbole to some
Im working with reality here
Who else has created 2 NEW IPS in one gen that have BOTH scored a 96 on MC and over a 90 in user reviews?
Many considered Uncharted 2 the best game of this gen,
Now everyone who has played Last of Us pretty much unanimously considers the Last of Us the best game of this gen,
Many of those people even saying that the Last of Us IS the best game they have played of all time
Both Uncharted 2 and Last of Us will be timeless classics that redefined their genre, and Naughty Dog is responsible for creating both and developing both
Thats unreal!
Show me another developer with those accolades IN ONE gen
-Creating 2 NEW dramatically different IPS which are both the best games of that gen like Naughty Dog just did with Uncharted 2 and Last of Us
Then beyond that, Naughty Dog is also responsible for creating the Crash and Jak & Daxter classics
Literally EVERYTHING Naughty Dog has created has been a classic...and every one of their classic and iconic franchises ARE DRAMITCALLY different to one another
Show me another developer who is that consistent and that versatile
Developers like Rockstar are one trick ponies(open world games in the vein of GTA) and even then Rockstar and Valve have put out some sh!tty games
Where as Naughty Dog is MONEY ALL the time and picks what ever new genre they want to tackle and then they pretty much redefine that genre
Naughty Dog always tests themselfes with somehing new, rises to the occasion, and grows as a developer because of that .
All things considered, accolades, resume of work, reputation etc ...Naughty Dog is the greatest developer gaming has ever seen bar none
We have NEVER seen a developer like Naughty Dog. Naughty Dog is special. Naughty Dog is brilliant. The fact we get to play Naughty Dog's master peices. WE are like the people who had the pleasure of seeing Ali fight in his prime. No one puts as much love, care, and vast attention to detail into their games as much as Naughty Dog puts into their games for us. Thats why we should love Naughty Dog even more.
Naughty Dog also has the 100% support, love and backing of Sony. Sony always lets Naughty Dog do their thing and flex their crative muscle and that is a beautiful thing....
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