I hope with the new hardware from PS4, Guerilla can do something with their idiotic friendly AI. Also learn to make interesting story from another Sony exclusive studios. Killzone have everything to fight Call of Duty, Battlefield, Crysis, Far Cry, Resistance, Halo, and Medal of Honor but so far, it still lack of good campaign.
BTW, i can't see the video in hd due to my slow internet connection. Anyone can tell me how is this compared to PC's Battlefield 3, Crysis 3, and The Witcher 2?
this could only mean one thing, another extra $150 for the new xbox that i won't be able to fully use because i play video games in my bedroom (on my bed). Hope there won't be any Gears, Halo, or Forza games that require extensive use of Kinect 2.0.
why? why? why not Battlefield: Bad Company 3?! You don't make an awesome spin-off and then just leave it. My opinion Bad Company 2 is a much better game than Battlefield 3. It have interesting characters, good story, and of course humor! Not that i'm not excited with BF4, but should it be Bad Company 3, it will guarantee a buy for me.
very excited with the PS4, it might take me two or three years before i buy it but it looks like it will have a good launch titles like Drive Club and Killzone: Shadowfall
wow, this is surely an ambitious game. It even makes me hope that i'm an online gamer. I really love the concept and i hope Bungie can do justice for offline gamer like me. I know i will lose so many things because i'm not online but this game feels like Mass Effect FPS version and that alone would guarantee a buy from me.
i always like to play as female in video games. That's why i really appreciate video games -that doesn't specifically have female protagonist- that offer me that chance. Mass Effect series, Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, GRID, and even Saints Row even though i really hate the immature nature of that game. I don't know exactly the reason, maybe i just like to see gorgeous woman doing badass things or maybe i like to see a woman as a leader in army.
I like the presents of female characters on Gears of War 3 and i really surprised when i take control of Anya at the end when i play with my bro. I would love the idea of female lead character on Gears of War but if the publisher and the developer fear that it would hurt the sales then simply just make the 2nd lead character as female.
it looks a bit bulkier, like it. I also like the new shape of the analog sticks and the d-pad. Hope Sony will fix the L2/R2 buttons because in my opinion those buttons on Dualshock 3 is awful, both for shooter and driving game.
sensei_hEnRY's comments