best sound editing? lol the game didn't even success in scaring me with 'jump scares' utilizing sound, like the clock and the thunder on the first mission of Leon's campaign. But it have pretty cool scores.
this might not be a good idea for other franchise but for Metal Gear, it could work out nicely. I mean Kojima Productions have a very high standard for their games so they will give the spin-off only to the most capable developer, and of course become the QA. I would love to see a 3rd person action shooter or FPS from Metal gear universe. Oh yeah i have a dream of Metal Gear Solid interactive movie by Quantic Dream!
damn, Ubisoft Montreal really have a lot of awesome game engine, Anvil Next, Dunia, and now Disrupt. Really excited with Watch Dogs, but i'm curious with the difference between the current-gen version and the next-gen version.
i don't know how this is gonna work out. I hope i won't be on the ship all the time. The naval battle on ACIII is one thing that i love from that game. Oh yeah this time make a good character and a good story for the game!
@Gblazer01 @sensei_hEnRY that is just sad, Resistance is the best fps exclusive in ps3. Hope Sony and Insomniac (or maybe EA and Insomniac) can come out with a new FPS.
Nah, Nintendo is just too big and have too many fans to be out of game hardware business. Even if Wii U won't be as success as Wii, they will still monopolized the handheld market.
And as much as i love my android phone and my iPod, they will never replace my xbox 360 and ps3.
finally! I'm really curious with their new game. If it's gonna be a sci-fi shooter, the battle between EA-Respawn and Activision-Bungie would be inevitable and of course, EPIC!
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